Traian Băsescu, furious attack on the Government: “Damn Ludovice, thieves, and do you want to make money with the death of the Romanians?” – News by sources


Former President Traian Basescu assures that Romarm has not produced protective masks, as announced by the Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, because “the machines that made the masks broke down” and “the imports had to be made with friends in exchange for payment.” “More Ludovice, more thieves, and you want to make money from the death of the Romanians?”

Traian Băsescu recalls, in a post on Facebook entitled “Money and death …”, about the statements of the Minister of Economy, Virgil Popescu, made on March 29, 2020: “Today the production of the first masks began in Romania! With all “engines We are moving forward. Equipment installation and production testing have started. Before long, they will produce 150,000 masks per day, more than 4 million masks per month. As of April 15, they will reach 500,000 pieces per day, respectively 15,000. 000 masks per month ”.

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However, the former president says Romarm has not produced those masks.

“And when there, what to see? Romarm no longer produced anything. The machines that made the masks broke down. There is no engineer in the world to repair some sewing machines. Imports had to be made with friends for bribes. More Ludovice , more thieves and do you want to make money off the death of Romanians? “adds Traian Băsescu.
