Traian Băsescu found a new nickname for Ludovic Orban: ‘This Ludovicus Orbanus will have grandparents on his conscience. It’s amazing where it got ‘- Font News


Traian Băsescu spoke by phone on România TV on Thursday and criticized the Ludovic Orban government with extreme harshness. Basescu began by attacking the government, beginning with the stutters at today’s executive meeting, when Orban spoke several times about the state of emergency, rather than the state of alert.

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“We are in the deepest state of bad government. We are neither in a state of emergency nor in a state of alert. Some incompetents who far surpass Dancila’s government, who cannot handle things, sacrifice from children to the elderly and all the televisions with the full force of the funds delivered to televisions, the president comes too, and they simply destroy the people. His only thought is how to make urgent acquisitions, “says the former president.

“Parents are in a state of disorder, because even today the government stuttered. You have to be certified or not, what diseases do you have to have to do online education, etc. A whole panoply of errors that you had to solve a long time ago and” We have clear answers. There are schools where they have meetings at this time to set the schedule. It is Thursday and schools start on Monday. I don’t think any protection policy has been made. I know a school where parents now mount those panels, they came “. With them from home. Before we saw Mrs. Anisie who explains to us what the teacher does if a child has to sneeze. She has to take him out to the patio, it’s incredible where arrived, ”added Băsescu.

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Traian Băsescu did not miss the opportunity to also criticize Raed Arafat.

“Mr. Arafat tells us that it will matter what the boy has heard in recent months from his parents and his entourage. But is the nonsense heard from the government having no influence? It seems that he too lost his balance in the barrel of cheap propaganda What happened in the past? “They are in the same situation, they could not institute the new state of alert. What else do you want to label them incompetent? The only thing that works for them is the LLC contracts, “added Băsescu.

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The PMP MEP also commented on the breaking information, according to which Marius Tucă was confirmed with Covid.

“There is only one way to protect yourself, to protect yourself. I am sorry for Marius Tuca, because he was with Radu Moraru, two great journalists, who had debate academies, who no longer see each other among the people. “They always made sure that both points of view were represented. Look, the only way to campaign is to run. How cowardly you are, to be Firea or Nicusor and say you don’t know Basescu. , kids, maybe you can learn something about Bucharest, this guy doesn’t know what the problems are, but he wants to be mayor, if you look at Firea, you won’t hear “I did it”, you will just hear “I bought”. buy tablets, but Ciurel’s passage had to be finished, since at first Videanu buried Oprescu, and she had no money, because she sent people to Greece. “

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“If the people of Bucharest want a good mayor, it will be me, because the others will not be able to do even half of what I could do,” believes the former mayor of Bucharest about the local elections of September 27.

The issue of the beginning of the school year caused the former president to criticize the government very harshly, saying that Orban will have people on his conscience.

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“I want to say it very harshly. We will have children who will kill their grandparents. Involuntarily, they will. When they grow up, they will discover that it was a government that started the school without taking action. The families have a certain environment, you cannot tell them about the Overnight they buy a flat for their grandparents, there are many grandparents who live with children and grandchildren, and Mr. Orban had to do an educational program, because we are 20 million Romanians with 20 million opinions. They did not make a program minimum education of the families, because they are still stuttering, what else to educate.This Ludovicus Orbanus will have the grandparents on his conscience.

In the kindergarten where my grandchildren are, the management said very clearly: see you in October, until then we build adjoining classes so that education can be done safely, since there are 3 educators in a group of 21 children. I divide the group of 21 children into 3 groups of 7. “Băsescu stated.

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“These people will come out with all the propaganda to tell us how well they did that they opened the schools without being prepared. How to open the schools without testing all the teachers? You send them to groups of children. They pushed everything in the local administrations. Just Incompetence allows you such a thing! “Thundered Traian Băsescu.

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“I cannot say that the Minister of Health has the same ridiculous burden as Orban, but he tells half the truth, because he cannot tell the truth, he is pressured by the political decision. I am convinced that after the dance, school did not start under these conditions. Germany, theoretically in perfect condition, and after two weeks had to start closing schools in Berlin, the opening of schools gives them the opportunity to buy a lot, masks, tablets, disinfectants, it is a shopper’s paradise, which they will probably find with I didn’t say it’s bad, but it’s one thing to do it centrally, through a national program, and it’s another to do it wherever possible with your LLC.

With the masks it is much worse, the European Commission makes purchases centrally for the member states, and Romania is one of the few countries that does not go there, but does them only through LLC. You don’t have to be a former president to see that, ordinary people see him steal like wildfire in the Orban government. Of course, the deadline will come, for now she hopes that it does not arrive until the elections, to deceive, as she deceived the PSD. Now their great envy is how much they steal from the City Hall of the Capital and they want to replace Firea with their own, steal too. I bought a mask for the family for 30 bani, and Orban takes 68 bani when he buys 100 million masks. Recall that Virgil Popescu said on March 29 that Romarm will make 15 million masks a month. And in July he informed us that the car broke down and no engineer was found to repair it, ”concluded Basescu.

Also read: USR-PLUS proposes a criminally convicted person for mayor! Incredible reaction from Dacian Cioloș.
