TRAGEDY in Germany: 4 Romanians crushed to death in a minibus trapped between two Romanian trucks – Source news


Four Romanians died today in a terrible traffic accident on the A44 motorway in Germany, near the city of Bad Wünnenberg. The Romanians were in a minibus that was crushed between two Romanian TIR trucks, after a Romanian driver got fully into the minibus and then the other TIR, announces

The tragedy occurred around 12.50, on the A44 motorway, when there was a traffic jam in the first lane.

A Romanian Opel Vivaro minibus, carrying five Romanians, was crushed between two Romanian trucks, one loaded with drinks and the other with firewood.

According to the German press, the driver of the truck loaded with drinks noticed too late the traffic jam created in front of him and did not have time to brake. In fact, the researchers found no signs of braking on the asphalt.

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Thus, the minibus with five Romanians in it was crushed from behind and pushed towards the Romanian truck loaded with wood, and the impact was particularly violent.

Terrified witnesses called 911, and soon, numerous police teams, ambulances, firefighters and medical helicopters arrived at the scene of the accident.

Unfortunately, four of the Romanians in the minibus died at the scene and the fifth was seriously injured, being removed only after the truckload of drinks was pulled by a machine.

According to, another truck registered in the Czech Republic, but also a BMW car registered in Germany were involved in the accident, but the Romanians were the only victims.
