Trade unions, law enforcement and secretaries protest the wage freeze and the increase in the minimum wage by 41 lei


Several defense and public order unions picket, on Thursday morning, together with office workers, the headquarters of the country’s prefectures in protest against the freezing of wages and the increase in the minimum wage by only 41 lei, according to Agerpres .

“The unions of the Romanian Police and the Penitentiary Police, affiliated to the Federation of Publications, protest against the elimination of wage inequalities from the public system, for the application of the framework law on public sector wages, for a correlated minimum wage with rising consumer prices and decent working conditions.!

The trade union organizations of the “Defense, Public Order and National Security” system affiliated to the Editorial Federation and the National Trade Union Bloc, respectively, the European Union of Police of Europol together with the National Union of Penitentiary Police SNPP together with the unions of the Union Danubius-Brila Iasi, Phoenix-Pelendava, SLLPM-Margineni and Speranta-Satu Mare Police Stations, set the tone for the protests by organizing a joint action to picket the prefectures across the country, as a first reaction to the draft Ordinance of emergency on the freezing of salary rights and pensions for military service, for the year 2021, as well as the shameful increase of only 41 lei of the minimum (net) wage in the economy ”, shows a press release.

The protests will take place between 10:00 and 12:00, in front of the prefectures, respecting the maximum limit of participants established by Law 55/2020, as well as the protection measures to prevent the spread of the new type of coronavirus. The pickets are attended by secretaries, public administration, young people and sports or social assistance employees affiliated with the Federation of Editors.

“We appreciate that the austerity measures imposed by the Government of Cîţu represent the last solution to the economic problems that our country is going through and also to the weighting of the budget deficit, a pretext available to all governments willing to cut, given that the staff of the sector Defense, public order and national security have been at the forefront in managing measures against the SARS-CoV2 pandemic for more than 8 months, going into debt by the thousands and all affiliated unions are feeling the pressure of these measures that will deepen instead of tackling inequities, salaries in the public system, that is why they are involved in planned protests, ”says the cited source.

According to trade unionists, the severe staff shortage is offset by overloading existing resources, creating an additional workload that is impossible to manage until adequately staffed. The costs of protective equipment, treatments and even tests were borne by the employees.

Thus, they emphasize that the decisions taken by the Government of Cîţu generated great tensions and dissatisfaction of the staff and this series of protests organized on the last day of 2020 is only the first reaction of the affiliated organizations Publisind and NBS.

As of January 2021, Publisind will make public the calendar of union actions that will include – excessive zeal in the fulfillment of missions or activities, refusal to carry out additional tasks, suspension or blocking of activity in certain areas of activity (strictly prioritizing interventions in emergencies), organizing cascading rallies for an indefinite period.

Read also: Protests in the Ministry of Labor against raising the minimum wage by 41 lei. “It is under any criticism.” Raluca Turcan’s proposal

Publisher: AC
