Trade report: Vasilescu, BNR: From the IMF, there is no hope. Maximum fees for picking up illegally parked vehicles. 10 life and work lessons of 10 years on your own. Between the “house of dreams” and the “straitjacket” – Finance and banking


Adrian Vasilescu, BNR: From the IMF, there is no hope ● Back to school during the pandemic: how it is reflected in the sales of books, supplies and flowers ● Lifting of illegally parked cars: Parliament could set maximum national tariffs ● 10 life and work lessons of 10 years on your own ● Who values ​​education most and how states of the world approach preparing tomorrow’s generation ● Public debt relative to GDP increased in July and during the second quarter, in addition to the pandemic. Implications ● Romanians and real estate market. Between the “house of dreams” and the “straitjacket” ● Error or premeditation? Electric, almost to mark a loss of 620 million lei in the next three years ●Finances support the reorganization of Customs into a separate structure from ANAF, a project started by former minister Teodorovici.

Adrian Vasilescu, BNR: From the IMF, there is no hope. Autumn has brought us more stress, beyond the impact of the pandemic on economic life, because the budget deficit and too large could be even greater. If, of course, the budget correction that is the subject of a recent government emergency ordinance were amended by Parliament with other corrections, which would drastically burden state spending. Of course, Parliament has its own agenda. Different from the Government to a great extent. Surprisingly, however, the voices of notorious opinion-makers interfered in public space, who brought the International Monetary Fund into this equation. And they did so invoking the circumstances of 2010, caused by the prolongation of the crisis, “when Romania obtained a large loan from the IMF”. In connection with a possible repeat of said loan, in case additional funding from the state budget is required, two camps have been formed with contradictory approaches, write

Back to school in the pandemic: how it is reflected in the sales of books, supplies and flowers. The previous years marked increases of up to 500% in the sale of supplies. However, the pandemic changed the behavior of parents, but also their needs. A survey conducted by the retailer shows that 69% of Romanians are preparing for the new school year by buying sportswear, 55% sports shoes, 51% school supplies and school supplies, while only 33% allocate budgets for backpacks and 18% for uniform. In terms of supplies, although there is obvious interest, it seems that tablets and laptops are the new school laptops. Thus, IT retailers reported increases of 30% in this type of product, trying to prepare parents for any scenario. So did the teachers, who were not fully technically ready for online school. On the other hand, textbooks, textbooks and alternative educational materials have traditionally grown dramatically, this year retailers are treating the issue with caution. There will certainly be increases, but the start of acquisitions is more difficult, type
Lifting of illegally parked cars: Parliament could set maximum rates at the national level. Local governments and highway administrators could be required by law to adhere to a set of maximum rates for the lifting, transporting, and storage of illegally parked cars.
The proposal has recently been registered for debate in the Senate, but there is still a long way to go before it becomes law. The idea would be that no locally set tariff does not exceed: for small cars (ie up to five tons): 100 lei for lifting, 3 lei / kilometer for transport and 2.5 lei for every hour of storage; and for large cars: 150 lei for lifting, 4.5 lei / kilometer for transport and 5 lei for each hour of storage, type

10 life and work lessons of 10 years on your own. Ten years ago, in August 2010, I spent a whole month staring at the grass, weeding, not knowing what to do next. My last job ended, after two decades of journalism, with a disappointment I never thought I could get over. I left what was left of the Realitatea Catavencu group only when the reality that there was nothing left to do, that I was well above the healthy limit and that what I had tried to build in years of work no longer had any chance became so evident that I neither could he pretend not to see. One day my phone rang. I would like to work on a communication campaign for one of the big business organizations in Romania. If I wanted to. The project was wonderful. Another day, the phone rang again. Would I like to work with one of the entrepreneurs that I have long admired to structure their messages? If I wanted to. This is how I started my journey as a man on my own, with a beautiful job, with people with whom I had built a relationship years before, Andreea Roșca writes on her personal blog.

Who values ​​education more and how the states of the world approach the preparation of the generation of tomorrow. On the traditional day that the school year for primary and secondary education in Romania began, on September 15, I thought it appropriate to present some figures on education worldwide. I will not insist on Romania, the country whose minister declares when taking over the portfolio that he does not need that 6% of GDP that the law provides for so long and whose prime minister compares the expenses of teachers with the money given by the workers to the state office. All I will say is that according to EUROSTAT data, our allocation for education in 2018 was 3.2% of GDP, compared to 4.6% at the EU level and 4.9% in the States members of the OECD. . Quality education is expensive, and the lack of it becomes even more costly once uneducated youth enter the labor market. I do not say that, but experts with a lot of experience, write

Public debt relative to GDP advanced in July and during the second quarter, in addition to the pandemic. Transcendence. Public debt officially measured by the Ministry of Finance with the European methodology advanced only in July 2020 almost as much as in the entire second quarter, when Romania fully recovered from the impact of the pandemic crisis and quarterly GDP decreased by 12.3 % compared to the previous quarter. The explanation for the comparable increase in the share of public debt in GDP (2.1 percentage points in the second quarter and 2 percentage points in July 2020) is not limited to the increase of around 40% of the additional monthly amounts taken on loan (13.5 billion lei compared to 9.7 billion monthly average in full pandemic, but also in the reduction of the reporting base by more than 20 billion lei as a result of the methodology used, write

Romanians and real estate market. Between the “house of dreams” and the “straitjacket”. The low level of financial education means that Romanians have no discipline in terms of saving and investing, which are voluntary. However, when it comes to “paying fees”, most show discipline, and fees are prioritized over investment, savings, but also over the allocation of resources to increase the level of education (especially continuing education), professionalism, our health and others. factors that can lay the foundation for higher income throughout life. We often do not pay due attention to the financial effort we make when accessing a mortgage loan, Andreea Nica writes in
Error or premeditation? Electric, almost to mark a loss of 620 million lei in the next three years. What is the cause The merger of the three distribution companies of the Eléctrica group, carried out precisely to streamline activity, could initially produce a huge hole. This is because, after the merger, as a result of a new regulation of ANRE, which appeared suddenly, the income from the distribution fee of the company will be drastically reduced. The regulation is still in the draft stage. Electrica SA, one of the largest electricity distribution and supply companies in the country, privatized through the Stock Exchange but with the State being the largest shareholder, recently began the procedures for the merger of the three distribution companies. of the group. Thus, Electrica Muntenia Nord, Transilvania Nord and Transilvania Sud will be merged into a single distribution company. As of January 1, 2021, the new resulting entity in the distribution area will be called “Distributie Energie Electrică România SA” (DEER). It will be practically the largest electricity distribution company in the country. The intention of the Electrica management was to optimize costs and improve the business, according to

Finances support the reorganization of Customs into a separate structure from ANAF, a project started by former minister Teodorovici. The Ministry of Finance, now led by Florin Cîțu, supports a bill initiated in Parliament by former Minister of Finance Eugen Teodorovici, which provides for the separation of Customs from ANAF and its establishment as a structure under the Ministry of Finance, called Authority Romanian Customs. The project, although appreciated by Customs specialists, has constantly had another interest for politicians, since whoever is in power when it comes to reorganizing Customs as a new structure, will put their people in charge, mainly in positions of direction. The Treasury sent a point of view to the Government on the bill, a point of view that was approved. The draft law in Parliament provides for the establishment of the Romanian Customs Authority, as a specialized agency of the central public administration in customs, a public institution with legal personality, subordinate to the Ministry of Finance, as a result of the partial reorganization of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration. write
