Total chaos in Timiş. Tens of thousands of people announced at 4 a.m. that they enter quarantine at 5 a.m.


The Timiş County Committee for Emergency Situations proposed on Wednesday evening the quarantine of the towns of Pesac, Fibiş, Dudeştii Noi, Becicherecu Mic, Giroc with the village belonging to Chişoda, Dumbrăviţa, Moşniţa with the villages belonging to Rudicica, Urseni, Albina and Moş; and Ghiroda without the town of Giarmata Vii.

The CJSU decision was approved by Bucharest and was due to take effect from Thursday night to Friday at 00:00. On the night of Wednesday to Thursday, at 3.45 am, the Timiş prefecture announced, however, that the central authorities decided to quarantine all eight towns on Thursday morning at 5.00 am. That is, the authorities announced the entry into quarantine, one hour and 15 minutes before the entry into force of the measure.

The quarantine decision provides:

– Limit the movement of people as much as possible and permanent monitoring of compliance with this measure;

– establishing, through the care of the local public administration and the Timiş County Police Inspectorate, the diversion routes, the main traffic routes passing through the area and informing the population through local media of this measure;

– prohibition of carrying out the following activities:

– organization of private events (weddings, baptisms, festive meals, etc.) in closed and open spaces;

– The activity with the public of economic operators that carry out activities of preparation, marketing and consumption of food products and / or alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, such as restaurants and cafes, including terraces, inside and outside the buildings;

– the activity with the public of authorized economic operators in the field of gambling;

– the activity with the public of the tourist reception structures;

– organization and realization of activities in cinemas and in institutions that organize shows and / or concerts;

– Officialize the religious services of wedding, baptism and burial with the presence of a maximum number of 8 people.

– establishing the obligation to wear a protective mask, so that it covers the nose and mouth, for all persons who have reached the age of 5, present in closed and open public spaces;

– suspension of school courses that imply the presence “in person” for all schools, the courses will be held online

In the time interval 22.00 – 5.00, in the quarantined areas, traffic is allowed for:

a) people who carry out activities in the field of defense, public order, national security, health, emergencies, assistance and social protection, judiciary, public services, energy, water supply, communications, representatives of the media, transportation and supply the population with the presentation of a certificate from the employer that specifies the time interval for carrying out the activity, service card or any other document that proves the professional activity;

b) people who carry out a professional activity, other than those provided for in letter a, with the presentation of an employer certificate, service card or any other document that proves the professional activity;

c) people who carry out agricultural activities or for the sale of agri-food products, with the presentation of the producer’s certificate or a declaration under their responsibility that includes name and surname, date of birth, address of residence, reason for the trip, date of realization and firm;

d) travel for other justified reasons, such as care / accompaniment of children / relatives, care of a relative or dependent or dependent, assistance to the elderly, sick or disabled, death of a family member. These people will present a declaration under their own responsibility that will include name and surname, date of birth, address of residence, reason for the trip, address to which they are going, date of completion and signature;

e) short trips, close to home / home related to the needs of pets / domestic animals;

f) medical emergencies;

g) The transit of the localities of the quarantined areas by people who do not have their domicile within their radius, if no diversion routes have been established.

Art. 4. The Timiş Public Health Directorate shall be responsible for the following:

(1) will analyze the opportunities and prioritize the testing of people, send requests for support with sanitary material and specialized personnel to the National Institute of Public Health / Ministry of Health,

(2) establish a schedule for the periodic disinfection of public spaces and supervise its compliance by the territorial administrative unit in question;

(3) will guide and involve local family doctors in the medical follow-up of isolated people at home and will provide medical assistance to the population of the area (pregnant women, people on hemodialysis, cancer patients, etc.)

(4) supervise the collection of medical waste and ensure compliance with the regulations for the collection of medical waste.

Art. 5. (1) In / From the area mentioned in Art. 1 alin. (2) entry / exit is permitted for:

a) the transport of goods, regardless of their nature, of raw materials and resources necessary for the development of economic activities in the quarantined area, as well as for the supply of the population;

b) persons who do not live in the quarantine area, but who carry out professional activities in the quarantine area;

c) persons living in the quarantine area and performing professional activities outside the quarantine area;

d) people who carry out agricultural activities or for the sale of agri-food products;

e) displacement for other justified reasons, such as the care / accompaniment of children / relatives, the care of a / relative / relative or dependent, the assistance of elderly, sick or disabled people, the death of a relative;

f) travel for medical assistance that cannot be postponed or carried out remotely;

g) medical emergencies;

h) Pupils and students who reside in the quarantined area and who follow the courses of some educational units of other administrative-territorial units, for which the zonal quarantine measure is not ordered.

(2) All the people mentioned in par. (1) must present to the competent authorities a document that demonstrates the quality of student or student, valid service card, employee certificate issued by the employer or other document that proves the professional activity, and for trips for non-professional reasons they must present a Declaration indicating the justified reason for the trip.

(3) If a diversion route has not been established, the transit of the localities from the quarantined area is allowed by people who do not have their domicile within their radius, being forbidden to stop in these localities.

Art. 6. The measures established in accordance with the provisions of this decision will be communicated to the local public authorities and will be made known to the population, through the RO-ALERT system, as well as by other means.

Art. 7. This order is implemented in accordance with the provisions of the Integrated Framework Action Plan for the establishment of the zonal quarantine, in order to limit the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the territory of Romania no. S / 85,887 of 07.23.2020, prepared at the level of the Ministry of the Interior.

Art. 8. It is strictly forbidden to enter / exit in / from the area mentioned in art. 1 par. (2) through other areas and access roads other than those open to public traffic on European, national, county and communal roads.

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