Topics of the day: Why no party wants the Ministry of Education. The “hypocrisy” of Iohannis; Patriotism: from Corneliu Coposu to Diana Şoşoacă; CTP: Race and Reason – Topics of the Day


Mayor of the PNL commune who wanted to buy, with public money, a 60,000-euro limousine. The liberal mayor of the commune of Homocea, Vasile Petrea, wanted to make an extravagance with public money, practically a holiday gift after the good results of the local elections. This is how he launched a simplified online auction procedure, in the Electronic Public Procurement System (SEAP), for the purchase of a car estimated at about 60,000 euros. More precisely, 273,000 lei, VAT included, sufficient budget for a 4×4 off-road vehicle. That is, as is clear from the ad, a powerful car, with a displacement of 2,000 m3, with all-wheel drive, reveals Adevărul.

Why no party wants the Ministry of Education. Juan’s “hypocrisy”. No party has a clear vision of education, that is, a team to implement it. This would be one of the reasons why no party wants to take over the Ministry of Education, believes Mihai Vasile, a researcher in education and other fields in the social field. The strangest situation is that of the NLP: they have not only proposed the most comprehensive program on education, but also have behind them the vision and strategy document “Educated Romania”, sponsored by President Klaus Iohannis. Logically, it would have been consistent for the team that worked on the “Educated Romania” project to be sent to the ministry to implement it, writes Libertatea.

Patriotism: from Corneliu Coposu to Diana Şoşoacă. Those who believed that with the disappearance of CV Tudor extremism disappeared and he got drunk with cold water. Racism, intolerance to minorities of all kinds, the wall of values, opportunism, the imposture have continued to march in the subsoil of society without the democratic and pro-European parties, the press, analysts, the authentic intellectuals bill. And this autism is due to a hypocritical dictation of the declared categories, namely the lack of participation in laying the foundation stone for building community spirit. Indifference towards the disoriented and easily manipulated masses has led to the emergence on the political scene of more or less well-known adventurers until the parliamentary elections, writes Deutsche Welle.

CTP: Race and reason. Mr. Colțescu proved incompetent and unconscious. In European football there are now countless players from Africa, South and North America or Asia. This mixture of races, ethnicities, nationalities, cultures is a problem for European officials, who have a duty to keep the situation under control. Mr. Colțescu did not take any of this into account when he said “the black one”. Did he do it because he’s a racist? I don’t know and I’m not interested. Racism is an attitude of mind, a way of thinking. I don’t have access to Mr. Colțescu’s head and no one should have it. In a free society, thoughts are free. Laws can sanction deeds, words, gestures, not thoughts, writes Cristian Tudor Popescu in

The first patriotic AUR MP in Ilfov unites Romanians from Porsche, Mercedes and BMW. It also has three houses. Three homes, two shops, three SUVs and three SUVs: Porsche Cayenne, Mercedes ML and a BMW X1. This is the fortune with which Gianina Șerban, the winner of a seat in Ilfov County on the GOLD lists, will enter parliament. The Șerban couple’s company, Green Residential Construction, is engaged in the construction of houses in the town of Ilfov Cornetu. Last year, the company billed more than 1.82 million lei, according to Newsweek.

The story of a GOLD deputy, told by the mayor who defeated him in the local: “The people removed him from the mayor’s office, you elected him to put order in the country.” Alba’s youngest mayor, Iulia Stănilă, presents the story of the former mayor of Şpring, who became an AUR MP. The two “dueled” twice, in 2016 and 2020, for the office of mayor. In 2020, Daniel Rusu was defeated by the NLP candidate. Iulia Stănilă harshly criticizes the election of the former mayor in Parliament and claims that in the 16 years, he did almost nothing for the Spring commune. “The communal forest was a family business, people paid 5 m3 of wood and received 3.5, this probably explains the tens of additional cubic meters found in the field control,” says Stanila, according to Adevărul.
