Topics of the day: Băsescu, about Nicuşor Dan: For such a recording, my nephew spent three years in prison; Mircea Radu admits that he received from TVR twice what he wrote on the fortune statement; The Navalny case: “Always in the same pattern” – International


The Bulgarian lesson. How Sofia built a metro line in just four years, while Romania took nine years. Bulgaria inaugurated a new metro line in the capital Sofia on August 26, and it is known as Highway 3, according to In total, it would have 21 new stations, and the total length would be 21 kilometers, according to, the official website of the metro in the Bulgarian capital. The cost of the works was 520 million euros for the first phase of the works, of which 368.2 million euros came from European funds, writes Libertatea.
Navalny’s case: “Always following the same pattern”. “Russia must now decide whether to brag or not, and how much it is willing to harm itself. The deterioration of relations between Moscow and abroad has already occurred. Not only in relation to Germany: this is not a German-Russian problem. , but international. It is a violation of an international law treaty, a violation of the prohibition of the use of chemical weapons. It is something that affects the entire international community. And Russia is to blame for the current situation, at least it seems so ” . The former German ambassador to Russia, Rüdiger von Fritsch, analyzes in an interview with Deutsche Welle the Kremlin’s model of behavior in the Navalny case and explains how to firmly dialogue with Moscow.
Scandalous decision of the Romanian judiciary. One of the fiercest thugs in the Russian mafia, acquitted. He was initially sentenced to 14 years and 8 months in prison.. One of the most feared members of the Chisinau underworld, Ioan Gusan, known as Nicu Patron, was acquitted by the Bucharest Court of Appeal on Monday. The decision can be appealed to the Superior Court. Nicu Patron, who holds the title of “Hot in law” granted to the gangsters of the former Soviet space, was sued by DIICOT, accused of setting up two clandestine cigarette factories. He had initially been sentenced, in November 2016, to 14 years and eight months in prison, but the High Court decided, in January 2018, to retry the case, writes
The Ministry of Health bought 5 million masks for local elections for 0.17 lei / piece. Sources from the Ministry of Health said, under the protection of anonymity, that on Tuesday the process of purchasing masks for polling stations was completed at the price of 0.17 lei each. “The winner was announced, the Taparo Group, which came with the price of 0.17 lei per mask and ruined all the controversial business in the Ministry of Health. According to the participation announcement, the estimated price of a mask was 0.67 lei, but they wanted to increase the price to more than one lei. I don’t know who they were preparing the contract for, ”say sources from the Ministry of Health, writes
The “Russian party” in energy. We can say that the Russian Federation has become a threat to Romania’s energy and economic security. Historically, we can deduce a pattern of aggression by the Russian Federation in the Black Sea area that manifests as follows: development of a corrupt system: buy or impose controllable political figures from the Kremlin, the system is autocratic or dictatorial , electoral intrusion, creation of revisionist and pro-Kremlin political forces; acquisition of assets in strategic industries, especially energy: occupation of the media space and social networks – the assault of the “fake news” of the social networks on the quality press generated by the “tram factories” attached to the Russian intelligence services writes Gabriel Păcuraru on
Former Minister of Public Works: Carol did 100 km of railroad a year, we have 7 km of metro in 9 years. Nicolae Noica, former Minister of Development of the governments of Víctor Ciorbea and Radu Vasile, considers it “inadmissible” to boast of the construction of 7 kilometers of metro in 9 years, given that, more than a century ago, Romania built 100 kilometers of railroad a year or build the Cernavoda Bridge in just 5 years, according to
E JALE – School medical network in Iasi, in pandemic: 26 doctors for every 50,000 students. In Iasi, there are only 26 doctors assigned to educational institutions. You run two or three schools. The Ministry of Social Assistance put 38 positions for doctors to tender for a specified period. Their health is cared for by only 26 medical school doctors, which means, theoretically speaking, that one doctor oversees the health of some 2,000 children, writes Ziarul de Iasi.
Traian Băsescu, on Nicuşor Dan: For such a recording, my nephew was sentenced to three years in prison. This is influence peddling. “It just came to our attention then. For such a recording, my nephew served three years in prison. For the promise of influence peddling. Here we directly discuss influence peddling. So this is my opinion,” said Traian Băsescu, PMP candidate for the City Council of the capital The former president of Romania stressed that he would not want Nicusor Dan to suffer anything, especially since there is now a campaign, according to Adevă
Mircea Radu admits that he received from TVR twice what he wrote on the fortune statement. The Head of Communication of the National Television, Mircea Radu, admits that he falsified his declaration of assets. After the revelations appeared in the press, he submitted to the National Integrity Agency a rectifying wealth statement in which he acknowledges that the actual amount received for the presentation of the show Down The Road is double compared to the initially declared, it is that is, 112,564 lei vs. 64,670 lei! , according to
