Topics of the day: AstraZeneca: Self-teardown of a hopeful vaccine; Who is “heating up” outside the Ministry of Justice. What are the proposals of the parties; Big salaries in the terror hospital in Reși :a: more than 20,000 lei, doctors, nurses – 8,000 lei – Topics of the day


Who is “heating up” outside the Ministry of Justice. What are the proposals of the parties. The NLP does not want to give up justice in any way, but Cătălin Predoiu could be changed, after a term in which he was strongly challenged. The second option for the Justice portfolio is Iulia Scântei, current and future NLP senator, who, like Predoiu, is in the graces of the Cotroceni Palace. “There is not much difference between Predoiu and Scântei. They both want peace in the system, not reform,” said sources in the Judiciary. The favorite of USR PLUS is Stelian Ion, but in disgrace for Dan Barna, while PSD proposes a former judge from CCR, promoted by Dragnea and Dăncilă, writes Adevărul.
AstraZeneca: self-dismantling of a promising vaccine. The AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine was a promising candidate. But the disastrous communication from the company during its presentation and inconsistencies in the study affected the image of the serum. The good news is that there are many points that the vaccine developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford is very effective, very safe and very robust, because it does not have to be cooled as intensively as some mRNA vaccines. Point. Not only the combination of two studies, but also the different dose-dependent efficacy was puzzling to the experts. Initially, AstraZeneca presented it as if the different dosages had been intentionally chosen. The concern had to admit that the different doses were the result of a malfunction. Due to a production error, the vaccine vials were initially only half full, so the study group in the UK initially received a lower dose and the full dose only a month later, Deutsche Welle explains.
Huge salaries in Reșița terror hospital: more than 20,000 lei, doctors, nurses, 8,000 lei. The doctors in the pneumophysiology, infectious and dermato-venereal wards, of the so-called Hospital III, have gross salaries that exceed 20,000 lei per month and can reach 25,000 lei per month. The head of the department earned more than 25,000 lei, and three other salaries for some primary care doctors were roughly at the same level. In August, the deputy director of pneumophysiology received 11,399 gross lei. The nurses, most of them, had more than 8,000 lei / month, but there were also salaries approaching 10,000 lei, reveals Newsweek.
Fisting course: a brief analysis of the educational programs of the parties. Neither PNL, nor USRPLUS, nor PSD have in their government program the two essential concepts, without which no system, however well financed, can produce results in Romania. These two concepts are “requirement” and “authority”. Without the requirement of teachers, young people cannot be trained with an organized mind. You cannot train young people capable of correcting their mistakes and learning from them, which is essential to succeed in life. Without demand, you cannot create strong characters, you cannot create an environment in which the young person knows what is expected of him, in which he understands that life is not an eternal comfort to the scalp, writes Daniel Funeriu in Contributors .ro.
Long stops in the development of the Iasi airport with EU money. A history of 15 years. The idea of ​​modernizing the Iasi airport dates back to the first half of the last decade. The Provincial Council started the project in 2005, for an estimated value of 200 million euros. However, it was not until the end of 2010 that the expropriation for public benefit law (No. 255) appeared, followed two months later by the implementing regulations. The longest process took more than six years and targeted the largest of the properties owned there, writes Ziarul de Iași.
Fed up with COVID, Mihail Neamțu is in the hospital, on oxygen. Ten days ago I was without a mask at a conference. Mihail Neamțu, the PMP Timi for candidate for the December 6 parliamentary elections, announced on Monday, in a message on Facebook, that he was infected with coronavirus and that he was hospitalized at the “Victor Babeș” Hospital in Timișoara. In his message, the politician assures that he arrived at the hospital after being isolated at home for ten days. However, the local publication Banatul Meu noted a post made by him two days before this announcement, in which he appears in Timișoara, carrying electoral banners with his colleagues, according to Libertatea.
Orban, on the attendance of Minister Vela decorated by the Head of State: I do not know very well the reasons; As far as I know, she is involved in communication. Prime Minister Ludovic Orban says he is unaware of the conditions in which Gabriela Mădălina Sîia Cenuşă, assistant to Interior Minister Marcel Vela, came to be decorated by President Klaus Iohannis with people who were on the front line in the health crisis. “I believe that very clear promotion rules must be established here and these promotion rules must be respected for everyone,” says the prime minister, according to
How could Romanian rugby be stolen from a € 37 million stadium?. According to several reliable sources, the Ministry of Youth and Sports (MTS) would no longer intend to return to the Romanian Rugby Federation (FRR) the “Triumphal Arch” stadium, almost completed by the National Investment Company (CNI) after reconstruction works from scratch of 37 million euros. How did you give your rugby home to others? To contribute to the success of the organization of several matches of the European Football Championship (CE) 2020 (postponed by the pandemic to 2021), FRR made its stadium, the Arc de Triomphe, available to the authorities, writes
