Tomorrow we should be concerned about how to organize the COVID vaccine. I’m worried that I’m not ready


World Health Organization expects there to be two billion doses of the COVID vaccine by the end of next year and proposes that, Instead of vaccinating all people in certain countries, the serum should reach the majority of people in all states. So far, 156 countries have joined the COVAX mechanism, which allows the correct purchase and distribution of COVID vaccines. Alexandru Rafila, Romania’s representative to the WHO, says that vulnerable groups and those on the front lines of the fight against the new coronavirus should be vaccinated first and foremost.

In the first place, if it is possible to obtain a vaccine in a short time, because for now we are talking about candidate vaccines, that is, some that have not been authorized, it should be administered to people of vulnerable categories and medical personnel ”, said Rafila.

Pre-contracts are signed for possible vaccines, and said vaccine that has already been previously contracted will be and will be authorized, certainly the EU countries will receive a part of that amount that has been reserved by the European Commission who also paid considerable sums of money in advance . It is about what the EC has managed to do for the member states, and fortunately we are members of the Union and then we could have a vaccine available maybe a little faster, in the first half of next year, “Alexandru Rafila told Digi. 24.

He explained that vaccines must be transported under special conditions.

“If we still want to show that we are diligent in providing the vaccine to the population, tomorrow we must worry about the organization, the logistics, the vaccination centers, who will administer the vaccine. Map all vulnerable groups, be able to be vaccinated, ”said Rafila.

“Revolutionary New Vaccines, containing RNA must be transported frozenme minus 70-80 degrees and there is no country, including Romania, with a storage capacity at that temperature. They will be delivered in the that contain carbon dioxide and that must go directly to vaccination centers, where they can remain refrigerated for several days.

In addition, these vaccines will be administered in two doses, CMany of the beneficiaries, especially the elderly, are more likely to need more constant immune stimulation, and I think this is extremely important, to have an organized strategy and logistics.“He explained.

“I am very concerned, seeing how we are moving in the organizational area, that this vaccine will be available, the European Commission has done its job, Romania will be able to receive the vaccine and the organization to administer the vaccine I do not know if it will be ready. I think this must start now so so that if this vaccine is available it can be administered as soon as possible to a large number of people “, Rafila added.

I think we should start organizing a vaccination campaign very quickly, with those responsible, vaccination centers, intermediate warehouses, if necessary, but things are very complex and I think it requires the collaboration of several institutions, not just the Ministry of Health. Of course, the Ministry of Health should be upset, of course, but probably help from the Ministry of National Defense will be essential for the success of this campaign, “he added.

Editing: Monica Bonea
