TO UPDATE. A local policewoman from Turda has passed away, confirmed with COVID-19. Comrades accuse the management of not announcing the DSP


A local policewoman from Turda died after being infected with SARS-CoV-2, and the Cluj Public Health Directorate (DSP) launched an investigation in this case.

Representatives of the Turda Local Police complained that the city’s Local Police chiefs avoided announcing the DSP and that they were not vaccinated, although they requested it, writes Agerpres.

“I mention the fact that I contacted the management of the DSP, and I learned that the appointed VI – Turda local police, showed up on March 26 at the Turda Hospital in serious condition. He underwent a rapid test, being confirmed with Covid, later dying. There is currently an investigation at the DSP level, after its completion I will be able to give you more details. The patient at the time of confirmation with Covid was entered on the Corona Forms platform, under this aspect there was no doubt of error or other illegality. It is checked whether the lady received a dose of vaccine or not, but it is certain that the lady falls into the risk category and can be scheduled for the vaccine by the employer or the staff. If there is any doubt about an internal error, the Turda City Council or the Turda Local Police leadership can provide details on these aspects, ”said Cluj County Prefect Tasnadi Szilard.

The official point of view of the Local Police of Turda

The Local Police of Turda transmitted, on Saturday, to Digi24 its point of view on these accusations:

“The information according to which a Covid-19 outbreak broke out in the Public Service of the Local Police of Turda is false. From telephone conversations with the Directorate of Public Health, the existence of an outbreak has not been confirmed, an investigation of DSP Cluj is currently underway.

Our late colleague, VI, has been on vacation since 03.19.2021, without being in direct contact with the Local Police personnel.

At the beginning of the second stage of vaccination, the Local Police of Turda registered the legal entity on the platform and added the employees to the system to be able to schedule the vaccination either individually or through the institution. At that stage, it was not possible to schedule in the vaccination center of the Mihai Viteazu National College in Turda, the priority being vulnerable people, but all colleagues were informed about the possibility of vaccination in other centers in Cluj county, where there were places available . Those who have not been vaccinated in other centers, have been registered in the waiting lists of the Turda vaccination center, and will be vaccinated as of April 7 ”, transmitted the Local Police of Turda.

Publisher: GC
