Tiriac is in third place. Who is the richest businessman with a fortune of 7.7 billion lei?


A top of the richest Romanian businessmen, made by Forbes, places the brothers Dragos and Adrian Paval, the owners of Dedeman, only in second place, with a fortune of 7.5 billion lei, with 200 million lei more. little more than the richest Romanian businessman. Ion Tiriac ranks third on this peak, with a fortune of 6 billion lei.

According to Forbes Romania, which reached this top, the valuation of the fortunes of the richest Romanian entrepreneurs included in the top is based on the calculation methodology developed by Forbes Romania, based on the average multiples of turnover, net profit and heritage. as well as a set of coefficients applicable to each of these financial indicators, for the most accurate estimation of the value of the companies.

The multiples were provided by Deloitte Romania, based on the stock market analysis of listed companies in Central and Eastern Europe, in all fields and sectors of activity. The information was obtained from official sources, from the website of the Ministry of Finance, from the Mercantile Registry, from the databases of the termene.ro portal or from the interviewed businessmen.

1st place: Daniel Dines, 7.7 billion lei

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Regardless of the industry, the trend towards automation is inevitable. Yes, in 2020, robots are already among us and they are doing hard work, which generally requires a reasonable number of people.

Daniel Dines founded in 2005, together with Marius Tirca, the software company UiPath, which develops and sells Enterprise Robotic Process Automation (RPA) technology, the software robots created by the company are programmed to take over the job of copying and pasting. of employees, freeing them. of repetitive transactional tasks that require them unnecessarily, writes adevarul.ro.

UiPath became in 2018 the first Romanian unicorn, that is, a company in the field of technology valued at more than a billion dollars. Uipath is the first company in Bucharest, born in an apartment in Delea Veche, to become a decacorn: the unicorn represents one billion, making it 10. The company has reached the $ 10 billion mark after various funds they invested 225 million dollars in its development.

The evolution of UiPath is a sign that the world needs automation and individual solutions, offered by artificial intelligence. Daniel Dines, his boss, said he was bracing himself for the moment when the company’s client base would reach one billion.

Born in Onesti, Daniel Dines graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics in 1997, slightly disappointed by the rigid teaching style of the professors. He was hired as a programmer before graduating from the night shift. After 6 months he went to a French outsourcing company.

“In 1995-1996, a first wave of Romanian programmers went to Microsoft. They came here to recruit from here. So I ended up giving a series of interviews and they made me an offer for the Seattle headquarters, for $ 60,000. per gross year. It was a good offer, “Dines said in an interview with ZF. In 2000, when he arrived in the United States, there were already about 200 Romanians at Microsoft, but he returned to Romania after 5 years because he had not settled there and founded UiPath.

2nd place: Dragos and Adrian Paval, 7.5 billion lei

The Dedeman company, owned by the brothers Dragos and Adrian Paval, experienced a turnover increase of 13.7% in 2019, the sixth consecutive year in which the business increased by one billion lei.

3rd place: Ion Tiriac, 6 billion lei

Ion Tiriac continues to grow his business, but he’s not too far from the sports field either.

4th place: Anastasia Soare, 2.3 billion lei

Anastasia Soare loses part of the empire built during the last two decades, but retains her “crown” and supremacy in the “Kingdom of the eyebrows”.

5th place: Zoltan Teszari, 1.9 billion lei

RCS & RDS, a company controlled by businessman Zoltan Teszari, weathered the COVID-19 crisis without suffering major blows. Massive investments in recent years have ensured business stability and generated a record profit in 2019

6th place: Radu Dimofte, 1.5 billion lei

The pandemic has changed the way we live and our view of the world in an extremely short time. The first to experience its destructive power were the entrepreneurs of the HoReCa industry.

7th place: Andrei Diaconescu and Victor Capitanu, 1.4 billion lei

They are among the most important Romanian entrepreneurs in the real estate sector. Patience, discipline, perseverance and courage are just some of the elements that have paved the way for the success you enjoy today.

Eighth place: Talpes family, 1.4 billion lei

Bitdefender, one of the largest manufacturers of cybersecurity solutions in the world, is changing its strategy during the pandemic and is actively participating in community problems.

9th place: Anca Vlad, 1.3 billion lei

The Fildas-Catena group, owned by Anca Vlad, the strongest woman in Romanian business, reported a business record in 2019.

10th place: Iulian Dascalu, 1.2 billion lei

Iulian Dascalu has built an empire in the real estate field, and his history is described by the Iulius projects he has been developing for more than two decades.

Read also: PHOTO She is the woman who twisted Ion Tiriac’s mind. At 81, the businessman lives an intense love story
