Thyme, the cure for respiratory diseases


The virtues of thyme have been known since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, volatile oil was used to treat yellow plague, cholera, or colds, and today it is widely used to prevent respiratory tract infections. Thyme is one of the most powerful medicinal plants in the world, being useful in the treatment of other diseases, not only those related to the respiratory tract.

There are 3 types of thyme: cultivated (Thymus vulgaris), with healing properties, garden (Satureja hortensis), used as a spice, and thyme (Thymus serpillum), used both in food preparation and in the treatment of diseases. Although its properties are very similar, thyme is used more frequently in traditional treatments. Dried thyme contains a high level of vitamins, minerals and volatile oils with therapeutic value.

Fights colds, asthma and bronchitis.

– for treatment of bronchitis and cold in the early stagesThyme is the plant you can count on. The tincture is recommended, 1 teaspoon 4 times a day, in cures of maximum 10-12 days. It can be combined with cuckoo tincture tincture to obtain even better results, in a ratio of 2 to 1, the recommended dose being the same as in the case of simple thyme.

Generally, results begin to be seen after the first few days. If necessary, thyme can be administered as an infusion, prepared from 2 teaspoons of dried herbs, in a cup of hot water. It has an expectorant and decongestant effect, helping to eliminate mucus.

Asthma, pneumonia, and respiratory infections. Repetitive is treated with volatile oil, 2-3 drops, diluted in 100 ml of hot water. Let it infuse for 5 minutes. It has an antibiotic effect and helps to dilate the bronchi, facilitating breathing. For optimal results, treatment should be continued for at least 2 weeks, even if symptoms have improved.

Convulsive or productive cough. Due to its expectorant, bronchodilating and soothing properties, thyme is more suitable for coughing. The treatment is long-lasting, up to 4 weeks. Infuse thyme powder, 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon to 1 cup of hot water, infuse for 10 minutes. To strengthen immunity, it is recommended to take baths with a thyme infusion. Put a few teaspoons in a cup of hot water, cover and leave for 10 minutes, then pour the infusion into the water in which it is washed.

Also read Foods, spices and herbs that naturally cleanse your blood.

How can it be administered?

infusion Prepare 1-2 tablespoons of chopped thyme in 1 cup of hot water. Depending on the condition to be treated, it is infused for 5-10 minutes, strained and the liquor is consumed as hot as possible.

powder. Grind the aerial part of the plant, dry beforehand, until obtaining a very fine powder. Since volatile oils evaporate very quickly, thyme prepared in this way is kept for up to a week, in glass containers, hermetically sealed. Store in dark places.

tincture. Fill a bottle with thyme flowers without pressing. Pour 38-40 ° of food alcohol on them, until they completely cover the flowers. Tie the bottle to your mouth and let it soak for 14 days, in the light, shaking the bottle daily. When ready, strain and place in dark bottles.

Volatile oil It is obtained only by industrial processes, however, the product is available in all health food stores and in most pharmacies. To use it internally, make sure the package says “for internal use”.


Thyme overdose, especially in the form of volatile oil, produces very strong side effects, from vomiting to seizures, severe abdominal pain and even delirium. Therefore, in children, thyme treatment will be administered only on the recommendation of the specialist.

Find out what therapeutic properties thyme oil has
