three of the four people stabbed are in very serious condition


Four people were stabbed in Paris on Friday, near the former headquarters of Charlie Hebdo.

The attack took place a short time ago, and from the information available at this time it is known that three of the wounded are in “absolute emergency”.

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The Parisian press writes that it could be two attackers, who allegedly used machetes, and that a man with blood on his clothes was captured nearby, but it is not known exactly if he is the attacker.

Police will soon release official information about the attackers and their possible motives.

Meanwhile, several schools in the area have been closed as a precautionary measure and Prime Minister Jean Castex has announced the formation of a crisis cell.

What a witness said about the armed attack near the former headquarters of Charlie Hebdo magazine

A witness said: “My son was playing sports nearby at the time of the incident. He heard people screaming and saw a man running away with a large knife. He saw a woman and a man injured. “The man, who lives in the area, said he experienced” traumatic memories. “

The attack comes days after al-Qaeda terrorists threatened Charlie Hebdo journalists for republishing cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, but also in the context in which, in a special court in Paris, the trial continues in the case of the 2015 attacks.

Five years ago, ten Charlie Hebdo journalists were killed in an attack by two al-Qaeda terrorists. The reason was the cartoons of the prophet, which angered the Islamists.

The news is updated.

Publisher: GC
