Three ministers are the sons of former great security guards. They are fatal


Dana Budeanu had an intervention on Antena 3, in which she assured as a “caterpillar and pamphlet” that three ministers are the children of former great security guards.

“It is a pamphlet that became a reality in 2020 because three ministers are the children, not the relatives, the children of the former great Securitates. “I give you three names, search the net. Nasui, Drula, Voiculescu. I have nothing, I am a pro-Securitate member. Budeanu.

He also defended Mugur Mihaescu in the scandal over the Great Holiday Revelation.

“I looked at what Mugur Mihaescu did. Nothing (…) There is a great need for humor, let’s laugh, during this period. No one can take this away from you.

I was extremely censored for saying it and I was attacked by many NGOs, without success, because you cannot prevent something natural from existing, you cannot, how to censor laughter? In what sense? All over the world, in civilized countries, it is not a joke, but all the comedians laugh at the ministers. See what Trump and Boris Johnson go through every day.

Neither the police nor the NGO intervene, nobody. Because civilized nations laugh even in the most difficult moments. In World War II there were programs about the war, people laughed at that and I don’t think we can compare the drama of those years with what it is now.

All I’m saying is a pamphlet, I must mention it. Probably there was this negotiation after the elections and TVR should reach USR PLUS Two and a quarter “

Dana Budeanu campaigned against masks and vaccines. She said that she was not wearing a mask in the hospital or on the plane and that she would not be vaccinated in any way.

ALSO READ: Who can fire Doina Gradea from the leadership of TVR. The huge salary of the head of Public Television
