Three districts exceeded the contagion rate by 4 per thousand inhabitants. New case registry in Cluj


On Friday, Timiș County exceeded the infection rate of 4 per thousand inhabitants, thus joining Cluj and Sălaj counties.

According to the latest assessment, the counties of Sălaj, Cluj and Timiş registered the highest cumulative incidence of cases of infection by the new coronavirus calculated in the last 14 days, of 4.31, 4.3 and 4.00 per thousand inhabitants respectively.

According to the Strategic Communication Group, the cumulative incidence of cases of infection by the new coronavirus is 4.31 in Sălaj; 4.3 in Cluj; 4 in Timiş 3.96 in Alba, 3.78 in Bucharest, 3.16 in Mureş, 3.12 in Harghita, 3.05 in Sibiu and 3.02 in Arad and Bihor.

An incidence of more than 2 per thousand inhabitants is recorded in the counties of Braşov – 2.73, Covasna – 2.23, Dâmboviţa – 2.15, Dolj – 2.63, Maramureş – 2.54, Teleorman – 2, 03, Vâlcea – 2.31.

The counties with a low incidence of infection cases per thousand inhabitants, in the last two weeks, are Tulcea – 0.95, Vrancea – 1.02, Călăraşi and Argeş – 1.04, Olt – 1.21.

New case registry in Cluj

Cluj County recorded a new record of cases of people infected with COVID-19 in Friday’s report, 385, after previous records were broken in reports on Thursday and Wednesday.

“In the last 24 hours, 385 people have been confirmed with COVID-19 from Cluj County. Total number of tests 2,828, of which 822 tests performed on request and 2,006 diagnostic tests risk groups. So far they have been performed 221,923 tests, at the Cluj county level 43 people hospitalized in ATI, of which 39 from the county Total 1,460 cured and discharged, of which 1,157 from Cluj county Total 119 deaths, of which 91 from Cluj county Currently 553 are hospitalized patients, of which 490 from Cluj County, “shows in Friday’s report from prefect Mircea Abrudean, according to Agerpres.

Cluj County recorded records of COVID-19 cases on Thursday, with 371 people confirmed, and 356 on Wednesday.

Arad County has exceeded the incidence of 3 COVID-19 cases per thousand inhabitants

The municipality of Arad exceeded, on Friday, the incidence rate of 3 per 1,000 inhabitants with respect to confirmed COVID-19 cases in the last 14 days, and the municipality reached an incidence of 4.54 per thousand.

According to the report of the Public Health Directorate, the region reached an incidence of 3.02 per thousand inhabitants, in the last 24 hours 197 new diseases were confirmed.

Representatives of the Arad Prefecture convened, for Friday afternoon, a meeting of the Committee on Emergency Situations, in order to analyze whether it is necessary to take specific measures to the red scenario at the level of the entire county.

The city of Arad reached an incidence of 3 per thousand on October 23, when the CJSU decided that all schools and kindergartens should carry out their activities online and adopted new measures to limit the spread of the new coronavirus, most of them wearing masks in all public spaces closed and also open to the operation of local and cultural institutions.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 5,282 people infected with SARS-CoV-2 have been detected in Arad County and 227 patients with COVID-19 have died.
