Thousands of Romanians have signed a petition for the reopening of gyms (VIDEO) – News by sources


An application for the reopening of gyms was distributed by more than 15,000 Romanians on Facebook. However, the gyms will remain closed after May 15, Mediafax reports.

People miss going to the gym and more than 15,000 Romanians have shared on Facebook a petition calling for the gyms to reopen after May 15.

“The use of rooms that comply with hygiene conditions is not a greater danger than supermarkets or public transport,” say the indignant petitioners.

The government is considering this, but experts are reluctant, so gyms will most likely remain closed after this date.

“It is a great epidemiological risk, because we are talking about effort.” You cannot wear a mask, because you cannot hold your breath in an effort with the mask on your face. A fairly high level of infection is being generated, “Prime Minister Orban replies at the moment.

Regarding indoor exercises, Claudiu, a personal trainer, says that during exertion breathing is accelerated, in fact, but with some measures introduced, gyms can work.

“At least in aerobics classes it is a real danger. The risk will always be there. We will have to learn to live with this risk,” Claudiu believes.

He believes that the hallways could be reopened with the observance of certain measures, such as hourly subscriptions, the observance of a limited number of people in the lobby and the disinfection of the devices.

Claudiu is also the owner of the gym. Although the only aid received from the state was paying technical unemployment for employees, he is optimistic.

“I don’t think it’s the same, at least for a long time, until people understand that there is no danger.” The losses will continue even after the hallways are opened, but that’s it, we hit them earlier, “Claudiu said.

Until the gyms open, you can do outdoor sports. Authorities plan to reopen the parks on May 15.
