This thing, that we are closing a street, seems to me an invention, I have not heard much


Professor Alexandru Rafila, Romania’s representative to WHO, believes that the idea of ​​quarantining some streets or neighborhoods in Bucharest is a difficult “invention” to put into practice. The idea was mentioned by the current mayor of the Capital, Nicușor Dan, in an interview with Digi24.

Nicușor Dan says that at this time the authorities are working together with STS to create a software in which to fill out all the forms by the laboratories, with all the tests, and thus have a picture of the geographical distribution of the cases of coronavirus and be visible incidence even at street level of diseases.

However, Alexandru Rafila fears that such software could further bureaucratize the work of laboratory workers and delay reporting.

“I know the story with the software, for now it’s a story, let’s hope it materializes without bureaucratizing and making reporting difficult, but to make it easier. It is easier to make an application, from my point of view. All countries have applications that are used by infected people and those who are not ”, commented Alexandru Rafila in Digi24.

With the help of this software, says the mayor of the capital, Nicușor Dan, decisions could be made such as quarantining a street or quarantining a neighborhood. However, Alexandru Rafila is categorical: in Bucharest such measures are impossible to implement.

“No. Such measures cannot be applied in the Capital, because … Let’s analyze it one by one: the children do not go to school, they stay at home, they stay with their grandparents or their parents. The elderly, especially when the weather has cooled down, they think they are careful enough not to travel by public transport. How will we apply such a measure? Citizens on one street do not go to work, those on the next street go to work? In fact, it will complete all the statements that you are moving. No, I do not think it is an applicable topic and I really believe that it is an invention. I have not heard much. In Madrid there was such an approach, but who knows Madrid, we are talking about the city itself, historical, and around Madrid there are some satellites of the city. Of course, if you are talking about a well-defined area with a clear number of people, there you can take a measure, but then, on the street, it seems impossible to apply such a measure and not I’ll do more than create and more confuse on ”, considers Alexandru Rafila.

He says a quarantine measure should be taken for larger territorial units and it should be taken politically.

“Well, if we decide, then, from a political point of view, there must be a decision: yes, we have a problem, we take the quarantine measure, but we have to face it. This that we are closing a street – but in fact we have not closed – seems a bit achievable to me, “said Professor Rafila, PSD candidate in the parliamentary elections.

Health Minister Nelu Tătaru also declared on Saturday that a possible quarantine by sectors of Bucharest is difficult to achieve.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
