This journey is just beginning. We will win and America will be stronger than ever


“Ultimately, we will win and America will be bigger and stronger than ever,” former US President Donald Trump said at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), the annual gathering of Republican activists and elected officials in U.S.

It is the first time that the former president appears in public after leaving the White House, in the context in which he can no longer access Twitter. Until the end of his Senate trial, Trump preferred to remain in hiding, so as not to jeopardize his political future.

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“I stand before you today to declare that this incredible journey that we began together four years ago is far from over. We gather here to talk about the future: the future of our movement, the future of our party, and the future of our beloved country. .

In the end, we will win. I have already won a lot. We fight for America, America’s most beloved institutions and principles. No matter how hard they try to stop us, they won’t. America will be bigger and stronger than ever, “Trump said.

It is clear from Trump’s speech that he does not intend to leave the Republican Party or form a new party.

“I will not throw a new party. And fake news. The Republican Party is united. The only division is between a handful of politicians in Washington DC and everyone else in the country,” he said.

Trump has accused the Democrats of turning the slogan “America first” into “America last” and of not wanting to complete the wall on America’s southern border.

“Biden has failed in his first duty to enforce the law,” Trump said, adding that the current president will lose the election in four years.

“They already lost the White House,” he joked with Democrats.

Trump has again accused Democrats of voter fraud, saying he “could defeat them a third time,” suggesting he could run for a new term in 2024.

“Border security is an issue in which Biden has already betrayed the trust of the American people,” Trump accused, criticizing the immigration policy of the new administration.

Trump also accused Biden of “selling the future of American children” and violating their right to education due to school closings.

“I’m asking Joe Biden to open schools and open them now,” Trump insisted.

The former US president has taken credit for the rapid development and authorization of COVID vaccines, saying these efforts have saved “much of the world.”

Trump has also criticized the foreign policy decisions of the new Biden administration, including rejoining the Paris climate accord and the World Health Organization, without negotiating.

The former president also attacked energy policies, claiming that wind power is not environmentally friendly and that solar power cannot meet the electricity needs of US industry.

Trump then changed the field, saying the new administration wants to “destroy women’s sports” by allowing transgender people to participate in sports competitions.

“The first weeks of the Biden administration were a catastrophe for American workers and American families,” he continued.

Editing: Monica Bonea
