This is the real bomb on schools, not the pandemic! Girls especially are in danger


The attacks on schools appear to be becoming a tactic of war, especially in the conflict-ravaged Sahel region of Africa, a United Nations (UN) official said on Thursday, according to the DPA, cited by Agerpres.

Virginia Gamba, UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, welcomed the progress made over the past decade in improving school protection, but noted that the number of rule violations has not decreased over the years.

“On the contrary, a new tactic of war seems to be developing, especially in the Sahel, where schools are attacked precisely because they are schools, and even more so if they take care of girls,” he said in a statement to the UN Security Council. .

In Burkina Faso, 2,500 schools were closed last year due to a proliferation of attacks, in which teachers were kidnapped and schools burned, he said.

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In Mali, 1,260 schools have been closed in the past two years after teachers were threatened and killed and books burned.

The UN representative said the coronavirus pandemic is only making the situation worse.

“Closed schools and declining economies generate chain factors that favor the recruitment and sexual exploitation of children, but also marriages between minors,” he said.

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Virginia Gamba called on all parties to the war to respect the civil nature of the schools.

Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director, said the pandemic had disrupted the educational process of more than 1 billion children around the world, including many of the 75 million children living in conflict-affected countries.
