This is the news of the moment about retirees in Romania: Radical decline!


The number of people retiring in the third quarter of 2020 has fallen dramatically from the previous quarter. In the third quarter of 2020, the number of retirees in Romania was 5.125 million people, which means a decrease of more than 7000 people, who were in the system in the previous quarter.

The number of retirees with state social insurance now stands at 4.675 million people.

In Romania, the average monthly pension registered in the current quarter is RON 1,505, which represents an increase of 4.8% compared to the previous quarter.

The average state social security pension was 1,454 lei, and the ratio between the average nominal state social security pension for the age limit with a full contribution period (excluding taxes and social health insurance contributions) and average net income was 51.9% (compared to 51.0% in the previous quarter).

In the third quarter of 2020, compared to the third quarter of the previous year, the average number of retirees decreased by 21,000 people, and that of the category belonging to the state social security increased by 7,000 people. The average monthly pension and the average state social security pension increased compared to the same quarter of the previous year, by 16.1% and 16.4%, respectively.

According to the INS, in the third quarter of 2020, compared to the second quarter of 2020, the average number of retirees decreased by 7,000 people compared to the previous quarter, and the average number of retirees from state social security decreased by a thousand people. . The average monthly pension and the average pension of the state social security increased with respect to the previous quarter, by 4.8% and 5.4%, respectively.

The data provided by the INS captures an interesting phenomenon. Most of Romania is in the hands of retirees from social security, which is 99.98%.

State social insurance represents 91.2% of total social insurance

Retirees at the age limit represent 78.6%. Retirees in the pension categories, early and partially early, represented 2.1%.

The total ratio between the average number of state social security retirees and that of employees was 9 to 10. This ratio shows significant variations in the territorial profile, from just 4 retirees to 10 employees in Ilfov County, to 16 retirees to 10 employees in Teleorman County, 15-10 in Giurgiu and Vaslui Counties and 14-10 in Botoşani County.

The average state social insurance pension varied with significant discrepancies in the territorial profile, the gap between the minimum and maximum value was 778 lei (1154 lei in Botoşani county, 1163 lei in Giurgiu county, 1180 lei in the county of Vrancea compared to 1932 lei in Hunedoara county, 1,835 lei in Bucharest and 1,723 lei in Brasov county), writes Agerpres.
