“This is how it started in Rapid


  • Dinamo is obliged to pay financial arrears to “relevant employees“And to other sports entities until the last business day of November. Otherwise, the penalties are harsh, for to a fine of 50,000 lei, until exclusion from future competitions.Details HERE!

Dinamo fans accuse Pablo Cortacero of not even issuing the bank guarantee letter he promised last week. Furthermore, the members of the DDB are not satisfied with the fact that the Romanian Football Federation continues to communicate with Dinamo through Bogdan Bălănescu and demand that Ionel Dănciulescu be returned to the club.

The message sent by Dinamo fans:

“Some of you have scolded us a lot for not supporting the Spanish, or because we are envious that they have taken over the club. There has never been such a thing on our part.

If we don’t trust them, it was because they gave us no reason to trust them.

All of our attempts to help have hit a wall of miscommunication. Dinamo leaders chose to communicate only with opinion leaders who offered them praise and messages full of unfounded optimism in return.

Pablo Cortacero’s bank guarantee letter never arrived. Anyway, it was a worthless letter. Instead, another letter came to Dinamo, from FRF, announcing that the club does not meet the financial tracking requirements.

The club has until November 30 to credit its debt settlement. If this does not happen, penalties will be imposed.

In Rapid, the disaster also started with a letter like this. We know what happened next. The same awaits us IF WE DO NOT WAKE UP and if some of the Dinamo players continue to defy the fan’s project and the intentions of those who love Dinamo selflessly.

Are you surprised that the letter is addressed to Bogdan Bălănescu? That would be the last problem for us right now. But there is more evidence that the only change that the “Spaniards” seized on and made in haste was the removal of Dănciulescu.

Because he also loves Dinamo selflessly. And he is one of those who sacrifices what he has for Dinamo. And he is someone who tells the truth and cannot be accepted in the vicious circles of lies.

Another measure of what some saw as saviors and professionals in life was removing the DDB from their jerseys.

We are not begging you to bring us back together. It would have been a normal gesture to acknowledge that without DDB, Dinamo would have died last winter.

Perhaps now everyone realizes that www.programddb.ro is our ONLY chance. The only movement, the only phenomenon that can attract sponsors and serious investors and not pseudo-investors ”, is shown in the statement from Dinamo fans.

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EXCLUSIVE Cosmin Contra announces the Apocalypse at Dynamo: “They didn’t offer me the job to do all the books at the club!”

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