“This city is strong for its people.”


Former Prime Minister Emil Boc managed, on Sunday, September 27, to win the elections for the mayor of Cluj for the fifth time. Even this time he had no serious emotions, having according to the exit poll more than 50% of the voters’ preferences.

Emil Boc won his first term in 2004. Three more victories followed, in 2008, 2012 and 2016, and on Saturday, September 27, another success.

According to the first exit poll, Emil Boc collected 51.52%. The next classified was the representative of USR Plus, Emanuel Ungureanu, for whom 38.64% of the citizens of Cluj voted. These are partial results.

“I voted with that team that has the vision and the necessary projects to keep Cluj in the first place, to bring investments and well-paid jobs, I voted with that team capable of uniting and not dividing, which keeps Cluj in the Champions League on the matter “Innovation, which modernizes Cluj in all areas, increasing the quality of life through education, health, infrastructure. This city is strong thanks to its people and we live with that team that knows how to value people and resources” said Emil Boc on leaving the voting section.

Although he had several rivals on paper, none of them posed serious problems. Boc fought a distance duel with Emanuel-Dumitru Ungureanu (USR-PLUS), Valentin Cuibus (PSD), Avram Fitiu (PMP), Botond Csoma (UDMR), Paul-Eugen Siserman (ALDE), Dan-Cristian Codrean (Pro Romania)), Simona-Teodora Rosca-Neacsu (AUR), Sorin-Valeriu Nas (National Force), Daniela Gifu (PRM), Radu-Calin Lupas (PRR), Adela-Dorina Mirza (Right Alternative), Bogdan Garbovan ( Green Party) and Peter Mandru (PRN).
