Third wave of COVID-19 hit Israel: news sources


Israel’s Health Ministry on Thursday reported the highest number of new coronavirus infections in the past nearly 3 months – 5,618 new cases, DPA reports.

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No such daily figure has been reported since early October, when Israel was in the middle of a second nationwide blockade. That lockdown, imposed in mid-September, had the effect of significantly reducing the number of daily infections, the DPA notes. But even so, the number of infections has continued to rise steadily since mid-October, when Israel began easing lockdown restrictions in stages.

The third lockdown, which began Sunday, has been criticized by some medical professionals for being too lax to be called a “lockdown.”

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proudly announced that Israel is the country with the highest number of vaccines per capita in the world, according to the Our World in Data website.

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein posted a message on Twitter Thursday stating that more than 150,000 Israelis are being vaccinated every day with the first dose of the US-German vaccine Pfizer / BioNTech, at all 257 vaccination centers. established throughout the country.

“Eleven days after the start of the vaccination campaign … almost 800,000 citizens have been inoculated,” Edelstein said, thanking the medical teams.

Prime Minister Netanyahu said that if this vaccination rate is maintained and Pfizer and the American company Moderna ship the ordered doses of vaccines on time, Israel could become the first country to defeat the pandemic.

Israel, a country of 9.2 million people, has so far reported 3,318 deaths from the new coronavirus.
