“They tried to steal our identity!” Peluzei Sud’s reaction to the return of FCSB at the new stadium in Ghencea! What statement they issued


Peluza Sud issued a statement on the transfer of FCSB to the new stadium in Ghencea.

Peluza Sud members wanted to issue a statement expressing their position on recent discussions about the fact that FCSB will play the matches at the new stadium in Ghencea.

In addition to Peluzea Nord leader Gheorghe Mustata, more and more people said that FCSB should be received in the new Ghencea arena, but those in Peluza Sud disagree with this and wanted to clarify the reasons why they do not want the Gigi Becali’s team play the games there.

1. The move to the SOUTH emerged naturally, not only as an exchange of generations, but was motivated by a clear difference of thought in terms of how to live the life of the stadium, the members of Lawn SUD appreciated the independence of the club and the way free to think and act, without restrictions in any way for the interests of the characters of the lodge.

Since, after the Jan Pavel episode, he had once again reached a state where club management wanted to subdue the voice of fans by controlling the turf leader and the leaders of some groups, the clear option for those who wanted freedom was to find a new lawn. A new way. Here appears Mustata, a character who is not a stylist with old states, appeared overnight and has been the helm of the North since then.

2. Although the differences were great from the beginning and we were not viewed favorably from the beginning, the conflicts actually started to appear after 2005. These conflicts arose as a result of challenging the team’s performance in some places, but especially due to the clear Opposition that we have shown countless times to the administration of the club, which affects the financial interests of some leaders in the North.

These leaders used tickets, choreography, and travel received free of charge or paid by management to sell to fans and even members of groups in the North or South at a “normal” price. For more than 15 years, tens of thousands of tickets, hundreds of trips and free choreography were paid for in good faith by supporters of some businessmen who earned millions of lei from the team they “supported.”

All this time, Peluza Sud was massively banned, denied access to the stadium, the right to buy tickets directly from the houses, and, infrequently, was declared a negative item directly by the club to the Gendarmerie. There were thousands of kilometers covered, tens of thousands of meters of materials used for the choreography and millions of lei paid ONLY WITH OUR MONEY to be with the team.

3. The recent circus in the press by Mustata is a sustained and repeated effort to create the impression of the “return of the ultras” to the Fcsb team, in order to obtain, once again, the benefits through which it has gained so much existence. Actually, all the concerns for the Fcsb team means preparing a business that will be done by common fans, mostly coming from outside Bucharest to the stadium to support the team. All the interviews, the business model thought by the stadium entrepreneurs, the return of “Lawn NORD”, the reunion of “good” people like Gigi, Meme cu Mustata and other subscribers to the money of the fans, through the famous methods patented by the management of fcsb (lies and identity theft) would not affect us if all this were not related to the name STEAUA BUCURESTI, a strange name for them, a name that we will always defend.


A. STEAUA BUCHAREST is the team that has its home in GHENCEA, in the STEAUA sports complex.

B. WE WILL NOT ACCEPT that a team, whose leadership has attempted and continues to attempt to steal the identity of the club, plays at STADUA STADIUM.

C. PELUZA SUD STEAUA supports the club, not the other way around.

D. ULTRA LIFE means sacrifices, unity, dignity. It does not mean material gain, falsification or business.

Everyone is free to support the team they want, to do the business they want, but do not use the name STEAUA, the stadium of Ghencea or that of Peluzei SUD “, is shown in the statement of the Peluza Sud.
