“They are all fat like stuffed pigs”


A former boxer and current candidate for the Scottish Parliament elections has been put in a position to apologize for insulting Romanians through a message posted on Twitter a year ago.

Alex Arthur, 42, a former 2008 WBO super featherweight world champion running on the White Party list, recently formed by Alex Salmond, the former head of the Scottish executive, wrote on Twitter: “Romanian beggars in Edinburgh are not hungry !! I just passed them by car, they are ready to settle in the begging places and they are ALL fat like big pigs, loaded and juicy!

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After being confronted by the press about these accusations, in a statement made this week, Alex Arthur apologized for what was written in the message, then qualified his statement saying that it was misinterpreted and even has “Romanian friends”: “Any comments about beggars who now seem inappropriate are misunderstood, but this is my fault for the forms, “according to The Herald.

Candidate for the Scottish Parliament, scandalous statements against Romanian beggars PHOTO: The Herald
Alex Arthur
Alex Arthur, right, during a 2009 mci PHOTO: Getty Images

The National Statistical Office estimates the number of Romanians in Scotland at around 10,000, with a population of almost 5.5 million.

Alex Arthur is running for the May 6 election on the party lists led by Alex Salmond, the former Scotland chief executive, who resigned from the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP), which has been in power in Edinburgh without interruption since 2007. Salmond is in open conflict with the leader of the SNP and the current Scottish chief executive, Nicolae Sturgeon.

Publisher: DC
