These 10 SERIOUS illnesses are …


1. Psychiatric disorders

When we talk about mental disorders, the approach has two directions: first, when chronic stress causes depression and anxiety; the second, when depression causes anxiety, nervousness, panic attacks, delirium.

When stress dominates mood, the next step is increasing difficulty concentrating and doing daily activities. The next step is the typical state of depression: passivity, increased fatigue, lack of interest even in the things and people you love, emotional destabilization, withdrawal from the circle of acquaintances, weight loss.

So, untreated depression can cause a number of other disorders: panic attack, delirium, even self-harm and drug and / or alcohol dependence. Basically it is a chain reaction.

2. Diseases of the digestive tract.

High levels of cortisol secretion, a specific situation of stress and depression, causes an increase in appetite and weight, especially since 70% of those who suffer from chronic stress or depression eat at night.

Since adolescence we are at risk of gastric or duodenal ulcer due to periods of severe stress. Stressed due to all kinds of tests, we cause an increase in gastric acid, which leads to ulcers, gallstones, gallstones, constipation or diarrhea. Have you ever had certain stomach reactions before or during a very important time? Well, it may be a medical explanation for the famous “butterflies in the stomach”.

3. Cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular disease is an almost inevitable consequence of stress and depression. It is impossible that the mental and emotional imbalance, accentuated by the permanent state of agitation, does not negatively influence the activity of the heart and blood vessels. The results? Vasoconstriction, a low amount of oxygen to the tissues, increased heartbeat, high blood pressure, angina and finally a heart attack.

4. Migraine and vertigo syndrome.

When you know you don’t have any other illnesses, but headaches don’t give you peace of mind, you can be sure it’s exclusively due to stress. Without treatment, migraines associated with fatigue and anxiety cause dizziness or dizziness syndrome, that is, dizziness that occurs suddenly and can cause a serious imbalance of movement and thought.

5. skin diseases

Although we are not aware of this as much as we should, the skin is the barrier between our exterior and interior. As such, she is the one who directly feels the stress of internal and external factors. Almost 60% of cases of psoriasis, vitiligo, urticaria, eczema, dermatitis, or acne occur as a result of episodes of chronic stress or depression.

6. Cancer

The irony of fate: One of the diseases of the century (cancer) can sometimes be caused by another disease of the century (depression). Studies show that the incidence of breast cancer is much higher among women who live or work in a stressful or polluted environment. Specialists also warn us that stress weakens the immune system and can cause cancer cells to multiply in any area of ​​the body.

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