There will be no 3 days without rules and restrictions / I will not hesitate to re-declare a state of emergency


The main statements made by Klaus Iohannis:

“We are at the end of two difficult months, in which most of you have complied with the restrictions imposed by the authorities. Through a national effort, we managed to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Now, when we finish the two months, we can say that together We save lives. The fight against this ruthless virus is far from over. On March 16, we entered a state of emergency, being one of the first countries to do so. We know for certain that without these measures, the number of victims would have been much higher .

Today, Romania registers 16,247 cases of illness, with 245 new cases from yesterday to today. 9053 cases are cured and 225 patients are hospitalized in intensive care units.

Romania, unfortunately, was not prepared to face a crisis. We had to quickly identify solutions, but in a very short time we managed to buy everything that was needed. It is not the first time that I say that the main reform that Romania needs is the reconstruction of the state.

In three decades, coherent legislation has not been built in Romania to deal with an epidemic. I saw how irresponsible some parliamentarians were to make the state of emergency law inoperable.

Starting tomorrow, we must realize that the danger is far from over. Maximum security measures are required. Today, the National Committee for Emergency Situations declares a state of alert. There will be no 3 days without rules and restrictions. The virus ignores administrative acts. We have a legal framework and, based on it, decisions will be made to maintain all the rules. Entering the state of alert brings with it rules and responsibilities. Without the responsibility of each of us, things can easily degenerate. If the situation worsens, I will not hesitate to re-declare a state of emergency. COVID-19 is a difficult disease to fight because people can infect others without symptoms. By maintaining our social distance and wearing a mask, we protect ourselves and those around us.

No one can say exactly when we will overcome this pandemic. ”

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