“There is no need for a vaccine. The pandemic is over.” Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Accuses “Second Wave” Of Counterfeiting With Covid Evidence


An interview with Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president and chief scientist of the company, reveals that the so-called “second wave” of coronavirus is completely non-existent and rejected the need for a vaccine to end the pandemic.

According to Dr. Yeadon, “There is no science to suggest that a second wave should occur.” Covid-19 testing is an unwanted science, he says, and the whole idea of ​​exponentially multiplying “new cases” is false.

Accusations against the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)

The British scientist criticized the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), which played a prominent role in setting restrictions. It said that SAGE did not have essential experience in the field in which it ruled and pointed to two fundamental errors the group had made in its assumptions, making the overall conclusions fundamentally wrong.

SAGE’s misconception is that “100% of the population is susceptible to the virus and there is no pre-existing immunity.”

SARS-CoV-2 is new, coronaviruses are not

Yeadon says this idea is “ridiculous because, although SARS-CoV-2 is new, coronaviruses are not.

The scientist said there are at least “four endemic coronaviruses that induce the common free-circulating flu in the UK.”

People who have been infected with “one or more of these endemic, common flu that have produced coronaviruses in the past, have a long-lasting and robust immunity (T cells) not only to these viruses, but also to highly related viruses. .

Dr. Yeadon stated that SAGE demonstrated its lack of competence because it “did not consider such interaction and demonstrates the lack of understanding necessary to build a model that is reliable enough to be used.

“Almost all tests for Covid-19 produce false positives,” warns Dr. Yeadon.

Herd immunity is significantly lower than experts say, which means it has probably already been reached.

Regarding the “pandemic,” Dr. Yeadon says it is “basically over,” stating that all major factors have been affected, from hospitalizations, ICU use and deaths.

“If we don’t get the test data from television all the time, it would be correct to conclude that the pandemic ended because nothing happened.” susține dr. Yeadon.

“Of course, people go to the hospital, they go through the flu season … but there is no science to suggest that a second wave should occur.”

Along with some of his colleagues, Dr. Yeadon published a study titled “How Likely is a Second Wave? “Claiming that the curve flattened at the end of June.

The only thing that grows are the “cases”, which mean nothing, because a “case” has no definition other than a positive test result: false and fraudulent.

Dr. Yeadon says the “pandemic” exists only in the minds of patients who insist on forcing society to remain permanently blocked.
