There is a deafening silence in which Kovesi’s fundamental rights have been trampled underfoot!


Justice Minister Catalin Predoiu exploded on Thursday in the SCM plenary session, when judges Evelina Oprina and Gabriela Baltag discussed to verify in court all cases investigated by DNA from February 1, 2014 to today .

A single request, which again divided the SCM into two fields. A control that far exceeds, by its magnitude, the famous evaluations carried out by the former Minister of Justice, Tudorel Toader, or repeated controls by the Judicial Inspection.

Learn more about this request. – Does the final assault on DNA begin? Two SCM members request to verify the activity of the anti-corruption prosecution in the last six years.

Predoiu referred to the recent decision of the ECHR in the case of Laura Codruta Kovesi, but also to the fact that part of the DNA acquittals were based on the decisions of the CCR and the decriminalizations operated in Parliament by the PSD coalition- AT.

“There is a deafening silence in the SCM about the fact that the fundamental rights of a former high magistrate have been violated, as the ECHR declared. I hope it does not become a silence that says other things. Even freedoms, until the independence of the judiciary, absolutely agree.

But I cannot agree with the instrumentalization of these fundamental values ​​to blame the institution. Or do it outside the legal, institutional or biased framework “, accuses Predoiu.

The Minister of Justice affirms that, although the verbal purpose of this request was not to evaluate the decisions of the courts, the request establishes that it was made to evaluate to what extent the fairness of the judicial procedures was affected: “The SCM is the guarantor of independence “Justice or evaluator of decisions in terms of equity? What is the legal basis, specifically, to evaluate this character? The SCM is not competent with this procedure. “

Attack on CCR

Predoiu recalled that Oprina and Baltag refer to the large number of acquittals that DNA would have received in the investigations investigated.

“We have to be rigorous when it comes to acquittals. Those presented for months in media sources with exaggerated figures and too publicized to destroy the credibility of a key institution of justice, the Romanian state? Or those caused by the impact of the CCR decisions, which they eliminated for entire evidentiary effects, compromising hundreds of cases duly handled by prosecutors, in accordance with the law in force on the date of the accusation.

Or the acquittals caused by decriminalizations operated guilt, at least politically, by a current and former parliamentary majority? “Predoiu was outraged.

“DNA has strongly affected organized corruption centers”

The Minister of Justice also told SCM members that he noted some hostility towards DNA.

I can’t help but notice what bothered DNA in general, in some circles of society. The fact that he also recorded payments? As any prosecutor’s office in the world has registered, how was it said before? Or the fact that, on the contrary, it has often hit organized centers of corruption?Predoiu asks himself rhetorically.

“I think it is not appropriate to turn the SCM into an inquisition against DNA. An institution that has advantages and disadvantages, like any institution, has dealt serious blows to corruption in society, we must recognize it. It has brought services to society and to citizens. ” “And the proof that for years ADN has been at the peak of society’s trust,” concludes Predoiu.

The discussions continued for about an hour, the SCM will decide on Thursday at the request of Gabriela Baltag and Evelina Oprina.

At the end of the SCM meeting, the Ministry of Justice published on the institution’s website all of Catalin Predoiu’s intervention.

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