there are almost 12,000 cases across the country


Authorities today announced a new assessment of COVID-19 infections.

To date, on April 29, in Romania, 11,978 cases of people infected with the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) have been confirmed. Of the confirmed positive people, 3,569 were declared cured and discharged.

At the same time, so far, 675 people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection, hospitalized in Dolj, Bucharest, Iași, Suceava, Arad, Bacău, Timiș, Cluj, Neamț, Hunedoara, Constanța, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Ialomița, Bistrița – Năsăud, Covasna, Dâmbovița, Vrancea, Galați, Caraș-Severin, Mureș, Giurgiu, Bihor, Argeș, Vaslui, Botoșani, Alba, Sălaj, Brașov, Mehedinți, Teleorman, Gorj and Prahova, died.

Since the last information sent by the Strategic Communication Group, another 362 new cases of disease have been registered.

At the moment, 247 patients are hospitalized in ATI.

In the Romanian territory, there are 12,042 people in institutionalized quarantine. Another 22,690 people are in solitary confinement at home and under medical supervision.

So far, nationwide, 166,993 tests have been processed, including those reported on 04/28/2020 after 1:00 p.m.

In the last report, on April 28, in the Romanian territory, 11,616 cases of people infected with the COVID-19 virus (coronavirus) were confirmed. Of the confirmed positive people, 3,404 were declared cured and graduated.

At the same time, so far, 663 people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection, hospitalized in Dolj, Bucharest, Iași, Suceava, Arad, Bacău, Timiș, Cluj, Neamț, Hunedoara, Constanța, Satu Mare, Sibiu, Ialomița, Bistrița -Năsăud, Covasna, Dâmbovița, Vrancea, Galați, Caraș-Severin, Mureș, Giurgiu, Bihor, Argeș, Vaslui, Botoșani, Alba, Sălaj, Brașov, Mehedinți, Teleorman, Gorj and Prahova, died.
