There are 200,000 doses of the flu shot available! How to get a flu shot


On October 9, the batch of influenza vaccine arrived in the Republic of Moldova, donated by “The Task Force for Global Health”, in an amount of 200 thousand doses, which was received at the National Vaccine Depot in within National Center for Public Health (CNSP) of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection (MSMPS).

Therefore, in the coming period, the influenza vaccine (Split Virion) will be distributed to public health institutions, after which the seasonal influenza immunization campaign of occupational contingents with a high risk of disease (patients with chronic diseases, medical workers, employees of the carabinieri and the troops of the border guard, the Exceptional Situations Service and the Customs Service, social assistance institutions, children in orphanages, etc.).

The influenza vaccine (Split Virion) (fragmented, inactivated) received at CNSP was produced by HUALAN BIOLOGICAL BACTERIN CO, is prequalified by the World Health Organization (WHO) and contains strains of influenza A and type B viruses recommended by The OMS:
an A / Michigan / 45/2015 virus (H1N1) pdm09;
an A / Hong Kong / 4801/2014 virus (H3N2) and
a B / Brisbane / 60/2008 virus.).

The benefits of the influenza vaccine are: reducing the risk of serious illness and the number of illnesses, visits to the doctor, loss of work or study days, and the prevention of complications, hospitalization and deaths from influenza.

Please note that the flu vaccine only protects against the flu caused by seasonal viruses A (H1N1), A (H3N2) and B, and in no case against other acute viral respiratory infections.
The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection informs you that vaccination is the safest and most effective method to prevent influenza and recommends that all those who fall into the high risk categories of disease request a free vaccine.

Personal hygiene measures (hand washing with soap and water, use of handkerchiefs to sneeze or cough, adherence to a healthy lifestyle: eating vegetables and fruits, resting and exercising) are essential to prevent illness through viral infections acute respiratory tract. and especially for the flu.

It should be noted that the influenza (antiviral) medication available in stock in each infectious disease ward / hospital is administered only at the physician’s direction, in severe cases, or in contracting the disease of individuals with risk factors for complications, regardless of the laboratory result for influenza.

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection warns that, to avoid the risk of outbreaks in children’s communities, a first-class triage, carried out by teachers in the classroom, sending a doctor or isolating their homes. Any student with a fever or other signs of acute respiratory illness.

To get a flu shot, you should see your family doctor.

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