The whole truth about pensions has been discovered! Millions of retirees are deceived


“The PSD and the allies of the conjuncture apply the tactic of poisoning the wells and setting everything on fire, before leaving the government. Forcing the approval of the rectification of the state budget and the social security budget, means that, through today’s vote, the PSD imposed additional expenses, equivalent to 6.5% of GDP and cutting all investments in roads, schools, hospitals, roads, food. water and sewage, etc. Today’s vote is strictly electoral, political, without an economic basis. PSD’s vote has already alarmed the EU, rating agencies doing assessments in Romania and investors who expected predictability and stability. The total irresponsible gesture of the PSD is already generating effects and in a few days we will notice that we are going to borrow stronger and more expensive, to finance the budget deficit, ”said Roman.

PSD explodes Romania

Roman claims that the PSD blocked the government in the health crisis, attempted a political crisis through a failed vote of no confidence and now wants to bankrupt Romania.

“I argued legally that all the constitutional norms that speak of loyal collaboration between the executive and the legislature have been violated. PSD’s only concern was fooling a few more retirees, by a few votes. NLP calls Romanians to vote! We must defend Romania from PSD! First in local elections and then in parliamentary elections! The NLP will attack the two populist laws in the CCR and we will use all constitutional means so that Romania is not thrown into a financial crisis like Greece! ”, Also transmitted the leader of the PNL deputies.

The Plenary of Parliament adopted, on Tuesday, the budget rectification for 2020 with the PSD amendment relating to the increase of the pension point by 40%. There were 242 votes in favor, 147 against, and 11 abstentions. The parliamentarians decided, at the proposal of the PSD, to repeal the article according to which the pension point is increased by 14%, leaving the law of the public pension system in force, which provides for its increase by 40%.
