The White House prepares for a second term of Donald Trump (adviser) – International


The White House is preparing for a second term for Donald Trump, an economic adviser to the Republican billionaire, who refuses to accept Joe Biden’s victory in the November 3 presidential election, said on Friday, AFP writes.

“We continue to work in the White House considering that Trump will have a second term,” Peter Navarro told Fox Business.

“I think it’s really important … to understand that we want verifiable ballots, a certifiable ballot and an investigation into the growing number of allegations of fraud made by witnesses who signed written statements under oath,” he added.

Donald Trump does not accept defeat, almost a week after the US press, based on projections related to the counting of ballots in most states, announced the victory of Democrat Joe Biden.

The president, who has rarely appeared in public since then, has launched a veritable judicial guerrilla war to question the results in several states.

US election security agencies said Thursday they “had no evidence” of voter fraud.
