The virus of the dictatorship never goes away. Mankind has been discovering this vaccine for about 150 years, voting


Journalist Cristian Tudor Popescu says that voting is like a vaccine against dictatorship, which is a virus that is always present in society. Just as the vaccine does not cure diseases such as “diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression”, the vote does not bring the “hot water, heat, medicines” that we need, according to him. But both the vaccine and the vote protect the human and social democratic body from death, says the journalist.

“What do people say, the majority, those who do not want to go to the polls? I say, “We are all the same.” I went to the polls in other years and to no avail. Ours come, ours go, we look like fools. There is no point going to the polls, because it is not better. It never gets better after the vote. Here is a fundamental misunderstanding of the role of voting in society.

It is an idea that I saw 30 years ago in all its splendor, represented when 80% of Romanians with the right to vote went to the first elections in 1990, convinced that as soon as they put that ballot in the polls, they will get everything they want . One wanted a higher salary, another bananas, another cartoons, another free abortions, that is, everything that was missing in Ceausescuismo would come out of this urn in exchange for that role. It was an almost magical sight.

Of course, this series of disappointments has happened over the years, and the man now says that “I have no reason to go to the polls.” It is a mistake to think of voting in the sense of better, that “I go to the polls to be better.” I’m going to vote so it doesn’t get worse, so it doesn’t get too bad!

This is where the vaccine comes in. Does the vaccine make you feel better? No. Otherwise. It can give you some unpleasant side effects. Every vaccine has some unpleasant side effects. Does the vaccine cure you if you suffer from diabetes, hypertension, obesity, depression? No. It doesn’t cure you of anything.

Instead, it protects you from something very bad that can happen to you, that is, you can die. If you get the vaccine, nothing good will happen. If you don’t get the vaccine, then you can die and you can kill others.

The same goes for voting. If you go to the polls, you should not expect darkness yesterday, light today. “Starting tomorrow, after voting, there will be hot water, heating, medicine, everything I didn’t have.”

That we will have politicians who will return home, better, more beautiful, more milky, sooner. No.

Progress in the human being is extremely difficult. Not on the scale of a man’s life.

Here’s another source of frustration for those who lose confidence in voting. They set an expectation for the rest of their lives and are understandable in a way. “I voted 30 years ago, now I have as much as I have, and in my opinion, the good things I was hoping for didn’t happen. How much longer to vote? That I will go further ». Judging by the dimensions of human life, yes.

But man and society are slowly changing. Technology is changing around us at an astonishing speed. All kinds of political and economic relationships are changing. But the human being has been changing very slowly for a million years. This is the problem. Hence this frustration.

Then you have to go to the polls with this realistic vision without illusions. I go there like a vaccine. If I vote, I defend this society, the vaccine against dictatorship, I ensure the survival of democracy.

I will not vote for one party or another in the first place. If I don’t go to the polls, then the virus of the dictatorship is present. It never disappears from any society. It is there, nested. Humanity has been discovering this vaccine for about 150 years, the vote against the dictatorship.

If many of the citizens say: “I am not leaving, I have no one to vote for.” We are all the same ”is an aberration. To say for the moment, in the game offer, that everything is the same is an irrational statement, “said Cristian Tudor Popescu, on Friday night, in the Digi24 program” Cap limpede “.

He does not agree with those who say they do not go to the polls to punish politicians.

“It’s stupid. It hurts politicians in the pen.

We saw what happens if we don’t come to the polls. For three years we have felt on our skin what can happen if many people do not democratically vaccinate society.

We see what is happening now in the Republic of Moldova. That is what happened recently with Romania. Anything can happen at any time. The highest significance of the vote is presence. Bad things always happen when participation is low.

When people who are not necessarily recruited into parties do not go to the polls and stay at home, then malformations appear that can lead to the death of the social democratic body, “said CTP.

Publisher: AC
