The unknown history of the Constanza stadium: erected by political detainees, in a landfill, with Canara stone


Few people know this, but the Constance stadium, where “King” Gheorghe Hagi debuted, has a very tumultuous history, with dark accents: it was built by political detainees, taken to forced labor, and the stone used is from Canara. In “RPR Architecture”, a volume published in 1954, we learn about the history of the stadium.

“In the north of Constance, between Primăverii Street, Doamna Florica Street and the shore of Lake Tăbăcărie, there has been a large area of ​​land (about 40 ha) full of wells and garbage for decades, which, being in the direction of the most frequent winds, it has dispersed into dust clouds and all kinds of miasmas in the city’s neighborhood ”, writes the architect author Dan Iovănescu, in the publication published under the auspices of the Union of RPR Architects of the State Committee of Architecture and Constructions of the Council of Ministers.

Thus, during the city’s beautification works, it was decided to project and build a large cultural and sports park on this abandoned stretch of land.

Outdoor theater and swimming pools, in the original project

The design of the complex included a park, alleys, embankments and plantations, commercial buildings. In addition, the project included: the small stadium or arena for volleyball, basketball, tennis, boxing, with capacity for 2,500 people; tennis, volleyball and basketball training grounds; a gym and winter training room for volleyball, basketball, tennis, with a grandstand for 500 spectators; a gym with a pool for winter training; an outdoor swimming pool, a yacht club for rowing and sailing, with changing rooms for 200 people, as well as garages for all boats; a shooting range: an open-air theater with capacity for 3000 spectators, built in natural stone.

The project also included a hotel for athletes, a club and a school for athletes, a sanitary point, various other constructions: statues, pergolas, monumental alleys, a restaurant on the edge of the Tăbăcărie park.

25,000 spectators in the stadium at its peak

The stadium was designed for massive sporting events and competitions. The dimensions were determined by its capacity, calculated at 25,000 spectators. This figure was established considering a percentage of 15% of a population of 120 – 130,000 inhabitants, approximately the population of Constanza, which was joined by some 5,000 spectators who would attend in the growing season of the floating population of satellite resorts. Mamaia, Eforie, Vasile Roaită, Techirghiol.

This determination turned out to be good, since on the occasion of the inauguration of the stadium, on August 23, 1954, this calculation figure was slightly exceeded, forcing the stadium stands to accept more than 25,000 people ”.

Constance Lighthouse

Photo: Dumitru Vioreanu, former FC Constanza photographer

Constance Lighthouse

Photo: Dumitru Vioreanu, former FC Constanza photographer

Constance Lighthouse

Photo: Dumitru Vioreanu, former FC Constanza photographer

The shape of the stadium, which consists of 18 interrupted steps, can be assimilated with an ellipse. The material used for the construction of the stadium was stone from Canara, Codru, Babadag and Başchioi. “The construction of the infrastructure elements of the stadium began in 1951, using as a base the rough stone of Canara in the form of pebbles in foundations or retaining walls. This high-hardness stone was used as a cut and high stone on the surfaces subject to wear, on the horizontal and vertical faces of the steps.

Architects on the prowl, heroes unknown

Nowhere is it mentioned that it was built by political detainees. The team that worked on the construction of the stadium and the nearby Dragon Fountain consisted of architects Ioan Puşchilă, GM Cantacuzino, Constantin Joja, Sorin Obreja, Virgil Antonescu, Constantin Mucichescu and others.

Dragon Fountain, Designed and built in the 1950s by great Romanian architects, it is the largest building of its kind in the country. From the central cup, which rests on the backs of the dragons, the water flowed into four pools arranged in cascade. The passage of water from one basin to another was done through the mouths of dragons.

Unfortunately, both smelters are now abandoned. The stadium has a padlock on the gate and the stands are overrun with dandelions, and the fountain between the blocks is smashed.

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