The unique story of Benny Adegbuyi’s official debut in kickboxing. Badr Hari was already a star


  • League 1: Hermannstadt – Iași Polytechnic, Sunday, 14:00, Digi Sport 1

  • League 1: Academica Clinceni – Dinamo, Sunday, 21:00, Digi Sport 1

Following the success achieved in the Netherlands, Benny adegbuyi climbed to third place in the all-time world rankings in terms of wins in the world’s biggest kickboxing promotion, Glory, with 15 wins. The leader is Rico Verhoeven, with 19 games won. Benny became a mandatory challenger on the Glory World Belt.

A decade ago! The moment when Benny Adegbuyi was chosen to fight Poturak

The victory of the 35-year-old fighter demonstrates the ambition and work of an athlete who reached the world top in just 10 years. Benny Adegbuyi started fighting late at age 25.

Benny officially started kickboxing at the age of 25, when Badr Hari was already a star on the circuit. He came to the national team for the first time, as they did in Local Kombat times, under the name>. Then there was a gala of Romania against the rest of the world, and Mihăiță Golescu would face Dzevad Poturak.

Golescu got injured, and Edi Irimia (no: – Local Kombat’s founding promoter) called Alin Panaite to ask him if he didn’t have a good fighter he could face in the match with Poturak. Alin recommended Benny, who quickly arrived at the gala and defeated Poturak in a matter of seconds. This is how Benny’s kickboxing story began. “ Said by a person from the Romanian fighter’s entourage.

Benny Adegbuyi defeated Badr Hari by technical KO

“It was an extraordinary performance. It was a dramatic match, but in the end I went as promised … The toughest bad boy. Badr is still a legend, he’s fast and strong. I made a mistake and got down, but, like I said, I’m the toughest baddie. I promised you he would fall first and he fell. “, was Benny Adegbuyi’s first reaction.

Benny Adegbuyi would fight the winner of the match between Rico Verhoeven and Jamal Ben Saddik. The two will meet on January 30 and the Dutchman will put on his World Glory belt in the heavyweight category.

Tags: benny adegbuyi , bad day
