The treacherous method by which a minor is forced to prostitute herself and use child pornography. Blackmail with imaginary characters


A man and a woman from the capital are accused of child trafficking, child pornography, sexual relations with a minor, blackmail, violation of privacy and deception of the judiciary, after allegedly recruiting a 16-year-old girl for the prostitution and pornographic materials, according to Agerpres.

On Sunday, DIICOT prosecutors, along with agents of the Judicial Police, raided the homes of the two investigated, where five mobile phones, a laptop, a tablet, a memory stick, seven SIM cards and valuable documents were seized probative. in question, as well as two watches, worth about £ 20,000.

According to DIICOT, between November 2019 and April 2020, a man and a woman recruited a girl under the age of 16 to force her into prostitution and appear in pornographic materials for their benefit.

The 50-year-old man, taking advantage of the minor’s economic and family situation, deceived her by promising to give her and her mother a life free of material concerns.

Initially, to gain her trust, the man presented himself as a powerful and prosperous businessman with relationships between well-known people in the Romanian show business. He told her that he offered her a job in one of the companies he managed, as well as a rented apartment where the girl could live with her mother in decent conditions.

In fact, all these favors were aimed at the victim agreeing to have sex with him and then prostitute himself for his financial benefit, according to prosecutors.

Taking advantage of the addiction that they induced in the victim, the two determined her to take photos and videos, in which she had an explicit sexual behavior, which they later stored digitally and distributed through applications. Mobile Internet for several people.

Likewise, in order to permanently control the minor’s activities, the man installed, without the right of law, a video surveillance system, which he hid in the apartment he offered for rent to her and her mother.

“It is eloquent that the two created a treacherous mechanism of moral coercion of the victim, causing a constant and intense psychological pressure on her to make her remain permanently in the sphere of influence of the man, with whom to continue the relationship, but at the same time to be willing to have sex and sexual acts with different people, as well as to obtain sums of money from the prostitution activity that the minor was going to carry out for her benefit, “say prosecutors.

Thus, the two threatened the victim both directly and through false accounts that they created in various social applications, that if the minor would not provide the required sexual services, both she and her mother. they will be evacuated from the apartment, they will no longer receive financial support and the pornographic materials they had with her will be presented to the public.

“The criminal inventiveness of the two was also manifested by creating an imaginary character who contacted the minor online to propose that they maintain sexual relations for a fee and which later became a way of blackmailing her, through his being- In fact, the man was trying to ensure that the minor would not attempt to provide him with any sexual services without his consent, and subsequently, to provoke a state of obvious fear, informed him that the person who tried to blackmail her was killed, thus converting the minor In her “accomplice” in the murder, to continue the psychic pressure on her, they created another imaginary character who posed as the sister of the “murdered”. and who asked the victim to submit to both, otherwise they will notify the criminal investigation bodies about their participation in the commission of the imaginary murder, “explains DIICOT.

Under the conditions in which the minor refused to comply with his requests, during March and April 2020, the man and the woman distributed, through mobile internet communication applications, the pornographic materials in which they appeared, both to High school classmates like and the victim’s teacher, including the email address of the high school the girl attended.

DIICOT mentions that the minor did not specify to her mother the origin of the money with which they paid the rent for the apartment where they were going to live, mentioning that it came from recovery activities she carried out.

Subsequently, the man, in order to mislead the investigators about the seriousness of the acts committed, filed a criminal complaint against the minor and his mother, knowing that the facts reported are not real. In fact, the purpose was to recover the victim’s mobile phone, which he had given as a gift, but in which the incriminating evidence was kept.

Along with the notification and later during the criminal trial, the man presented false evidence to the judicial bodies. Specifically, he falsified and truncated the content of the conversations (text messages) that he had with the girl, to support the false accusation made by him, and misled unreal evidence, inventing the idea that people around the victim had known about the criminal complaint. of him against the minor.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
