The Supreme Court today begins the verifications on the way in which Ferma Băneasa’s file was distributed to the panel that rendered the final decisions – Essential


The leadership of the High Court of Cassation and Justice begins on Monday to verify the way in which the legal and regulatory provisions were observed when the Ferma Băneasa case was distributed to the panel that delivered the final prison decisions, increasing the penalties in the first instance.

On December 22, the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice announced that it had ordered verifications “taking into account the issues circulated in the public space, regarding the random distribution of criminal file No. 345/64/2016 (Finca Băneasa), as well as as well as, in general, regarding compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions regarding the random distribution of cases at the level of the Supreme Court, in order to quickly investigate all the issues thus raised ”.

In a first phase, between December 28 and 30, compliance with the legal and regulatory provisions on the random distribution of the criminal case will be verified.

In the second phase, scheduled for the period 4-18.01.2021, verifications for the same purpose will be carried out in all sections and courts of the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice.

At the same time, with regard to the criminal file, compliance with the terms of transmission / reception of the files to / from the Prosecutor’s Office will be verified to motivate the appeals.

According to the cited source, the verifications will be carried out by the vice presidents of the Superior Court of Cassation and Justice, with the logistical and technical support of the first assistant magistrate of the supreme court and the IT department.

The approach takes place in the context in which information appeared in the public space that the principle of random distribution of the Băneasa farm archive would not have been taken into account. The panel that rendered the final decisions was composed of judges Florentina Dragomir, Ioana Ilie and Ionuț Matei.

Among those convicted in this case is lawyer Robert Roșu, and the ICCJ’s decision provoked heated reactions from the Romanian National Lawyers Union, but also from some of his fellow lawyers, who protested at the Palace of Justice.

On December 17, the High Court of Cassation and Justice issued a final judgment in the case of the illegal restitution of the Royal Farm of Băneasa: businessman Remus Truica was sentenced to seven years in prison, Israelis Benyamin Steinmetz and Tal Silberstein received five years each. prison, and Prince Paul, three years and four months, and lawyer Robert Mihăiţă Roşu, five years. Journalist Dan Andronic was also sentenced to three years in prison with suspension. The ICCJ forced those sentenced to pay more money and the land belongs to the Romanian state.

In the first instance, Truica had received 4 years with execution, Paul from Romania – 3 years with suspension, and Dan Andronic and the Israeli businessmen had been acquitted.

Penalties issued by the ICCJ:

  • Remus Truica – 7 years in prison
  • Paul Philippe from Romania: 3 years and 4 months in prison
  • Nela Ignatenko (ex Pavaluiu) – 5 years in prison
  • Dan Andronic – 3 years in prison with suspension and unpaid work for the benefit of the community for a period of 60 days at the Bucharest Integrated Assistance Center or at the General Directorate of the Social Assistance and Child Protection Sector 3.
  • Robert Mihăiță Roșu (lawyer) – 5 years in prison
  • Israeli businessman Tal Silberstein – 5 years in prison
  • Israeli businessman Benyamin Steinmetz – 5 years in prison
  • Apostol Muşat (former mayor of Snagov commune) – 4 years in prison with execution
  • Marius Andrei Marcovici – 3 years in prison with suspension
  • Lucian Claudiu Mateescu – 3 years in prison with suspension
  • Gheorghiță Dragomira – 4 years in prison with suspension
  • Corina Teodora Dicu – 4 years in prison with suspension
  • Ioan Stoian – 4 years in prison with suspension
  • Niculae Dima – 4 years in prison with execution
  • Nicolae Jecu (former prefect of Ilfov) – 4 years in prison with execution
  • Caterina Popa – 4 years in prison with execution
  • Gheorghe Olteanu – 4 years in prison with execution
  • Valentin Delcea – 4 years in prison with execution

Băneasa Farm Archive

On May 18, 2016, Remus Truică, Paul Philippe from Romania, Dan Andronic, as well as businessmen Tal Silberstein, Benyamin Steinmetz and Moshe Agavi were sued by DNA in the case concerning the illegal restitution of the Royal Farm Băneasa and the forest by Snagov.

Remus Truica was sued by DNA for forming an organized criminal group, influence peddling, money laundering, complicity in abuse of power and bribery, and Prince Paul, for buying influence and money laundering, both in good shape. continued.

The accusations concern crimes committed between 2006 and 2013 in various forms of participation, in order to obtain goods of special value, including Snagov Forest and Băneasa Royal Farm, claimed without right by Prince Paul.

According to DNA, Paul Philippe from Romania bought the influence that Truica had on the various officials of the public institutions that owned the two properties. Truica presented the “business” of some economically powerful people, with whom he associated, to get involved in criminal proceedings, the only way to obtain a property that Paul Philippe from Romania was illegally claiming.

Other people joined this group, including Dan Andronic.

“The defendant from Romania Paul Philippe promised the defendant Truică Remus and his criminal group associates a significant portion, between 50% and 80%, of the value of the property he claims in Romania, and then transferred the property to them as were obtained through fictitious sale contracts with Reciplia SRL, in order for them to intervene with public servants involved in restitution processes, through the influence they had directly (…) and indirectly, through the relations to have in the political world, in justice, at the highest level and in the press (friendship / commercial relations with members of the government, parliamentarians, officials, public authorities, with people with influence in the press, relations with the HCCJ, hiring the services of a law firm above), so that they illegally determine the unfair obtaining of the goods claimed by Al României Paul Philippe, ”said DNA.

Prince Paul, Remus Truică and the other members of the group subsequently concealed the illegal nature of the agreement by concluding, on November 1, 2006, a contract for the transfer of assets in an administrative or judicial process for the restitution of assets. The contract was concluded between Prince Paul and SC Reciplia SRL, represented by Remus Truică.

“Specifically, this contract drawn up by Roşu Robert stipulates that Paul Philippe from Romania, as assignor, transfers / assigns without any reservation, for a fee, all his present and future rights to real estate, listed and identified in the contract (between and Farm Băneasa with an area of ​​28.63 ha and Snagov Forest with a forest area of ​​approximately 30 ha) Reciplia SRL undertakes to pay, under certain conditions, a sum of money and to provide support and assistance in relation to the assets found in administrative processes or judicial restitution ”, the prosecutors also affirm.

Later, as a result of the assignment contract, Prince Paul signed other documents and contracts, which sought to hide the illicit origin of some goods that were to be returned. It is, among others, the additional act concluded on March 20, 2007, which affected 12 properties, including the Peles Palace, the one of April 4, 2007, which referred to the properties that make up the Balchik royal domain, on October 4, 2007 that real estate, agricultural land, forestry, as well as buildings in Sinaia and Bucharest.

After acquiring the goods Pădurea Snagov and Ferma Băneasa, they were transferred by Prince Paul, through contracts of sale, to Reciplia SRL, at highly undervalued prices, disguising the illicit nature of the origin, and the company was sold to other people. , without charging money.

According to the prosecutors, through the criminal activity carried out, the abusive restitution of the Snagov Forest was managed, causing damage to the Romanian state of 9,523,769 euros, as well as to the royal estate Băneasa, with a damage to the Romanian state of 135,874 .800 euros. Both amounts, totaling 145,398,569 euros, also represent an undue benefit for Prince Paul, Remus Truica and their associates in the criminal group, DNA said.
