The subsidy for public transport is natural. With the same ticket you can change two or three means of transport


Nicușor Dan considers that the subsidy paid by the City Council of the capital to public transport is “a natural matter”, as opposed to the thermal, which is “an anomaly”. The mayor general says that he does not intend to raise the price of a transport ticket before guaranteeing “civilized conditions”.

“We have to differentiate between the transport subsidy and the heat subsidy. The public transport subsidy is a subsidy that is paid around the world, because it is in the public interest that people go by public transport and not by car,” he added . to guarantee a smooth flow of traffic and, above all, better environmental conditions, healthier air.

The transport subsidy is a natural matter. We can have discussions about its amount, we can possibly think about fare changes, but then public transport will look like public transport should be.

We must have civilized transport conditions. Let’s have those unique lines that ensure that public transportation is efficient and that it arrives faster by public transportation than by personal car.

Due to lack of funds, which we will correct in this year’s budget, when you get on public transport, you don’t feel like you have a civilized trip. This is something that we can quickly resolve in two to three months.

We can also fix a stabilization of the public transportation program very quickly. Let’s have a program, which we can have on the internet, but also at stations, to know what time each means of transport arrives.

As for the price, without increasing the price, we will go from the price per trip to the price per hour or an hour and a quarter, we will see exactly, so that, with the same ticket, you can change two or three means of transport, as happens everywhere in the world. civilized world, ”stated Nicusor Dan at Digi24.

As for the thermal subsidy, he says that “it is an anomaly, which, unfortunately, we must perpetuate in the coming years.”

“It comes from the fact that for years it has not invested in the district heating network. We practically, through this subsidy, pay the losses caused by the lack of investment, “added the mayor.

He said that in the long run they want to keep the central heating system to have the cleanest air in Bucharest.

“The more people are connected to the central heating system, the better air we have in Bucharest. That is why the subsidy has two roles. An ethical role, not making people pay for losses due to the municipality, and keeping so many consumers in the system. centralized as possible, to make it workable, “Dan said.

Editing: Alexandru Costea
