The story of the puppy Arya, lost in Alba and found in Pitesti. Search engines rejected the 1,000 euro reward


A dog lost by its owner in Alba County was found a week later, 250 kilometers away, near Pitesti. Searchers who found him on International Dog Day refused to receive the 1,000 euro reward.

Arya was lost by her master on August 19, in the Teiuș area, after she jumped from the trailer she was in and was found near Pitești a week later.

He traveled more than 250 kilometers in search of his teacher, writes Monitorul from Cluj.

The story of the one and a half year old cub of the Czechoslovakian wolf breed is emotional and a life lesson.

Arya was found exhausted, hungry and injured on August 26, International Dog Day.

“She is Arya. Unfortunately, she jumped out of the trailer she was in after opening her cage with the intention of going to the owner of the car, but she had inadvertently left and went to another city. It is not known exactly where she jumped , but it seems they saw her in Teiuş (she was going to Cluj-Sibiu). A week before her loss, another lost female of the same breed was shot, so we all sat with our souls in our mouths, hoping that she would not I had the same luck. The solidarity shown by the people was unimaginable. I never expected to see so many people searching in areas and cities where it seemed to have been observed, especially in Teiuș and Aiud. There have been many false alarms and confusion and this has put people on the road. We put out a great reward to help her value life more than death and let the world know. I don’t know if this kept her alive or just her determination and attention, but the truth is that she gave us a lesson in survival, fixed in the d The international day of the puppy, when he asked for the help of some special boys, near Pitesti! Don’t ask how she got there, but this picture says she was determined to get home and understood that only with the help of people can she do it. I was looking for cars and I was exhausted, kicked, with traces of fights with other animals, ”wrote Mihai Popescu on Facebook.

“All the way home he stood with his nose next to his master”

The puppy eventually reached its owner, and those who found it rejected the 1,000 euro reward.

“She is fine now and is at home. All the way home she slept with her nose next to her master and when she broke up with the boys who helped her, she kissed and thanked them. The 1,000 euro reward was flatly rejected by those who They found her and only accepted payment for the road from Pitesti to Sibiu where they met Alex and a few beers in his honor. (I knew how to choose them.) We have nice people in the country! They convinced me that I could still believe in those around me. The video was made when they found him. The eyes tell how much the poor woman passed through the Olt Valley. She kept the direction in which she saw that the car had left and she hoped to find it, “Marius Popescu concluded his story.
