The story of the girl who asked the mayor for a phone call for the school came to Australia. The situation in the commune has radically changed.


The girl from Şuletea who asked the mayor for a loan is called the “hero of the commune”, and her story reached Germany and even Australia. Representatives of companies in Australia will send money to needy children, and thanks to the boy, students in the village will have internet.

The case of the girl from the village of Vaslui that she wrote to the mayor to lend him a phone for online courses or to buy one in installments, which he will pay with the allowance, has traveled all over the world.

After this incident, the mayor of the Şuletea commune says that phones and tablets are being collected for several children in need.

“The girl is the heroine of our commune, thanks to her many children in need will be helped. I will not make any table, I will ask each teacher or each teacher to determine who will give these media. Only on Friday, 5-7 arrived tablets and about 6 phones. They arrived by courier, by Romanian mail. I am glad that the Romanian is supportive, responds to the needs of the most distressed, “said Ciprian Robert Tamaş, mayor of the commune of Şuletea.

The story of Şuletea’s girl, a student from the village primary school, who still has six siblings at home, came to Australia.

“There are people from outside the country, from Germany. Just on Friday I was called from Australia by people who said they had all the confidence to send some money. Also, a company will provide 37 phones. They will sponsor, with the internet, with subscriptions,” also declared the mayor.

At the enuletea school alone, there are 30 students who don’t have a tablet, laptop, or even phones to interact with online teachers.
