The story of a GOLD deputy told by the mayor who defeated him in the local: “The people removed him from the mayor’s office, you elected him to put order in the country”


Alba’s youngest mayor, Iulia Stănilă, presents the story of the former mayor of Şpring, who became an AUR MP. The two “dueled” twice, in 2016 and 2020, for the office of mayor.

In 2020, Daniel Rusu was defeated by the NLP candidate. Iulia Stănilă harshly criticizes the election of the former mayor in Parliament and claims that in the 16 years, he did almost nothing for the Spring commune.

“The communal forest was a family business, people paid 5 m3 of wood and received 3.5, probably this explains the tens of extra cubic meters found in the field control. The people of 4 villages no longer receive their land from their grandparents / parents because the documents were “lost”, but the friends of the former mayor have dozens of hectares, all with the correct documents. After all these and many others, this mythical character from Ţara Secaşelor, in the electoral campaign shouted loudly, throughout the country and the county that he wants to defend the country from thieves ”, says the current mayor of the Şpring commune.

The message sent by Iulia Stănilă:

“The story of a deputy”

Once, in a small commune, my hometown, I met a man who seemed good, a primary professional. You had the impression that he unconditionally loves his commune and its citizens. We all voted for him at the beginning. Little by little things went crazy: public money, fun, “girls” as he wrote on Facebook, many “friends”, many parties, great ideals: “from the mayor of Spring, I will become mayor of Sibiu, then the PRESIDENT FROM ROMANIA. ”(Remember these words)

The mayor of the Spring commune, Iulia Stănilă

Over the years also the mandates, the fanaticism… the friendships began to be conditioned, the profession of NAS flourished, many children were baptized, many young people married, all by votes and power. Meanwhile, whoever gave him advice or did not agree with his attitude or actions was considered a “traitor, serpent and whore”. The perverse capacity for public denigration of those who dared to contradict him or run against him has exceeded all limits.

Ordinary inventions to tarnish the image, family attacks … All this has generated a kind of fear among people. No one dared to contradict the mayor for not being considered a traitor. He sang a lot, PUR, NLP, PDL, USL, ALDE, PSD. He told the citizens that he loved them, that he changed parties so many times because he could not find support (hundreds of thousands of lei for a football team), in fact he could not find his place on the parliamentary list. In the end he found himself, enlightened and found his place in GOLD. Exciting so far, right?

He “contributed” to the formation of this party and not anyway! Through his characteristic style, he managed to get 80,000 lei (according to his former party colleagues) for the first place in the deputies. Whether he became mayor or not, he always wanted that anyway: Bucharest! (Four years ago, after winning the mayoralty, he announced that he would run for senator for ALDE, although a few months ago he asked the citizens to vote for him again, to write “projects”).

Daniel Rusu, during an electoral action in spring

Like I said before, going through everything, he found his heart in GOLD. Many walks around the country, during the service, extremist propaganda, insults at the microphone, walks with the loudspeaker in his pocket, shouting out loud what he wants to do for Romania:

– roads (we are waiting for you in the spring commune to see how the streets of Draşov, Cunţa, after 16 years of driving Rusu look like);

– development (after 16 years of mandate, we invite you to the Manantial commune where we do not have water, sewage, natural gas);

– hospitals (we invited them to the commune of Şpring to show the citizens under what conditions they are consulted and what the medical offices are like in the 4 villages, after 16 years with Rusu in charge);

– education (he did a private university in Cluj, at the age of 43, without even writing a project! We also gladly opened schools in the commune, to see rags worth hundreds of thousands of euros, fallen plaster, stoves terracotta, bathrooms without running water, everything);

– support for animal breeders (we are waiting for you to talk with the farmers of the commune, to see how they put themselves in a position to sell their animals or how their pasture tax was increased by 8 times);

– forests (we invite you to a visit “in the field” to see how the communal forest was a family business, people paid 5 m3 of wood and received 3.5, probably this explains the tens of cubic meters “extra”, he finds in field control);

– Romania wants to get rid of the thief (we introduced them to the suppliers of the proveedorespring City Council, friends of the family, who made businesses overnight, with whom the City Council concluded contracts of hundreds of thousands of lei, services that were never lent);

– defend the Romanian land (we invite you to the Şpring Agricultural Registry, to see tens of thousands of documents in process, people from 4 villages who no longer receive the land from their grandparents / parents because the documents were “lost”, but friends of the former mayor they have dozens of hectares, all with the proper documentation);

Well, after all this and much more, this mythical character from Ţara Secaşelor, in the election campaign shouted loudly, throughout the country and county, that he wants to defend the country from thieves! With a beautiful tattoo on his hand, a booming voice and a lightning bolt, he seemed to “want” in Parliament! And what do you think?!?

He has become a deputy! When I thought I had a problem… it turned out that WE, the Romanian people, have a problem! You stayed at home? He has “deported” and “semaphore” instead of deputy and senator. Did you vote GOLD? Thank you, now the Romanian Parliament has 24 carats! I am sad for Romania because we have young people with potential, eminent students, valuable people, drummers of books, who work 12 hours a day to earn a living and you send such … magnificent things to Parliament.

I am proud of the Şpring commune (they sent it to parliament with 200 votes, of which 100 on the additional lists). In the local, almost 800 people removed him from the council, due to the disaster of the last 16 years, and led him to put order in the country.

We give you Rusu, also with the roads of Draşov and Cunţa, but be very careful… you know how I quoted him at the beginning of the post… “he wants the president of the country”. And… your mind is rested, especially after sleeping in parliament for the next 4 years, on your money!

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