The “skeletons” in Clotilde Armand’s closet. Accused of being part of the secret services


The first revelation that raised big questions among the electorate was related to the visit organized by Clotilde Armand to the French Embassy in Bucharest, at that time – 2016 – councilor in sector 1 of the City Hall. He invited the incumbent mayor of the sector, Dan Tudorache, to a dinner with a senior official from the embassy to discuss civic affairs afaceri. The objective, he declared now, was for the mayor to accept that “a French company, with experience in the matter” would be in charge of building a new hospital in the northern part of the Capital.

More details about this so-called lobby of a French citizen for a French company, given that it had to go through a tender according to the law, we all found out on Silviu Mănăstire’s program on B1 TV, when Clotilde Armand found herself face to face with the mayor of Sector 1 Dan Tudorache.

Also on that show, the skeletons in the candidates’ closet were discussed. And in the case of Clotilde Armand, information about such “skeletons” has even begun to multiply. And, as in all electoral campaigns in the world, the electorate must know everything that is revealed about those who appear before the people to ask for the vote.

In Sector 1, we have what can be called the toughest election campaign the people of Bucharest have seen in the last 8 years. And Clotilde Armand, who describes herself as “the only white baby born in a maternity hospital in Guadeloupe,” where there were only black babies, built her attack strategy exactly on the meaning of this first sentence on her resume. She, a clean white candidate, that is, along with the rest of the dirty black candidates. In the midst of an anti-racist wave, this analogy exploded in front of the candidate, unfortunately for the desired strategy.

The skeleton he fears the most: the relationship with the secret services

With more than 20 criminal complaints filed against DNA, the Capital Police and other institutions in less than two months, Clotilde Armand is attacking with more and more virulence, and the reason is, according to informed people, the fear of not taking her case in the market.

Her rise in important influential industries such as energy, the creation of a party (RSU) and her popularity boom in record time, her ambition to take over the most important mayoralty of the six sectors of the Capital are themes that Armand led her in the first stage of right-wing politics.

All of this is not the fruit of ambition or a brilliant mind.

Clotilde Armand has a mission – this is the latest media reveal. Serious accusation, difficult to prove at the moment, but … I have had cases like this and received confirmations from official sources after years and years. And, as the liberals, the ushers and the PSD said, when it suited them, there is no smoke without fire!

The culmination is that the game with mind-boggling accusations at first even the candidate Clotilde Armand. She posted the following on her Facebook page:

„Top of the fake news (…) It is said that Clotilde Armand was actually Anastasia Romanov, the descendant of the last Tsar of Russia. In 1989, she brought dollars, weapons, drugs and a typewriter to Romania to steal our country. On June 15, 1990, he intentionally stepped on the flowers planted by the miners in the Plaza de la Universidad. She led the CoR from the shadows, won the 1996 elections and campaigned for Romania’s entry into NATO and the EU. She is a woman. It will make hot water mandatory for the Sector 1 blocks. You like pancakes. She wants to ban special pensions. Although she knows the Romanian language perfectly, she pretends to have a French accent. In short, she invented the red plague vaccine! “he wrote last week.
The news that she was a “secret agent” did not appear anywhere, never until this post. So why would you want to apologize for something that didn’t happen?

Then, on Monday, in an interview-testimony of the famous prosecutor Mircea Negulescu, called Portocală, the name of the French woman appeared on the “confession” bomb. The investigator who was designed to “parade” the men of Ponta, Ghiță and Dragnea came out with an explosive statement.

Prosecutor Mircea Negulescu claimed that SRI General Florian Coldea and two French intelligence officers spoke to him about USR candidate Clotilde Armand.

At the time of the discussion he had at the headquarters of the French Embassy, ​​something was also said about Mrs Clotilde Armand. All I know is that there were such discussions at the French embassy. It does not seem normal to me for an SRI operative chief to go to the embassy headquarters and discuss the Apa Nova file where Mr. Semenescu was, and promise the respective officers that Mr. Semenescu will not be arrested. Do I know what Mr. Semenescu would have said if he had been placed on remand? Maybe he could make some spectacular statements, and then not testify to the man who knows what put him in judicial control. (…) There was a discussion about Mr. Semenescu, after which there were discussions about the lady (no, Clotilde Armand)”.

When asked if “the spies were talking to each other about other spies,” Negulescu replied: Everything is possible “.

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