The simple motion of the PSD against the Minister of Finance was approved by the Chamber of Deputies


The Chamber of Deputies voted on Wednesday the simple motion presented by the PSD against the Minister of Finance, Florin Cîţu.

UPDATE 14:05 The Chamber of Deputies approved, on Wednesday, the simple motion presented by PSD against the Minister of Finance, Florin Cîţu.

The simple motion, titled “The Cîţu virus has infected the national economy,” was debated at Monday’s meeting.

166 deputies voted “in favor” of the motion, 94 “against” and 28 abstained.

The simple motion, titled “The Cîţu virus has infected the national economy,” was debated at the House meeting on Monday.

The country’s financial endeavor must stop, Romania must save itself from the “Vasile Cîţu virus” and the Minister of Finance must leave, according to the text of the motion.

“More damaging than the effects of the pandemic, more contagious than the coronavirus and more lethal than the COVID-19 disease, the” Cîţu Virus “has almost completely destroyed the national economy. After almost two months of a state of emergency, after of countless stutters, deferrals and rectifications of regulatory acts, the Minister of Finance, Florin Vasile Cîţu, proved unable to propose effective support measures for the economy Opinion polls show that 70% of the population believes that Romania could have avoided the negative effects of the economy, caused by the coronavirus pandemic, if the Ministry of Finance had taken effective measures in time to support economic agents. In short: 70% of Romanians consider that the Minister Cîţu is a disaster for the economy! What a curse for this country that, in the most difficult moments, its economy will be led by the Minister of Finance m It s disastrous in the history of Romania “, specified in the text of the simple motion.

The Social Democrats affirmed that in the 6 months of government and in the more than 50 days since the establishment of the state of emergency, no measures were taken to “avoid the disaster.”

The Minister of Finance, Florin Cîţu, declared, in the plenary session, that the signatories of the motion are “criminals”, alleging that “they used this unfortunate virus to promote their motion and their political agenda”.

Cîţu, on the initiators of the motion: “They are criminals”

“I am here because Romanians need to know that while PNL and I are successfully handling this crisis, the signatories to the motion are trying to stop us.” I would like to remind you of who are the signatories to this motion. There are those who on August 10 gassed and beat innocent Romanians. The next day, they also blamed the Romanians themselves for coming to overthrow the government. It was a coup. The signers of this motion are criminal in my opinion. Because they allowed themselves to blackmail this government by threatening to reject in Parliament the extension of the state of emergency, in my opinion, they played poker with the health of the Romanians who were trying to blackmail even the President of Romania. During two months in which we have implemented measures to revive the economy, all these measures have been modified in Parliament, in a criminal and populist way. They say criminals because, if the proposals of these irresponsible people had passed, they would have thrown Romania into economic chaos. But the lowest thing they did in this motion is that, without any respect for the Romanians, for those affected by this crisis, they used this unfortunate virus, which has generated victims in Romania and throughout the world. , to promote his motion and political agenda, “said Cîţu.
