The shock suffered by a Belgian woman, after seeing her father empty in the corridors, among the patients of the Re Hospitalița Hospital


A woman living in Belgium experienced a real shock after viewing images on the Internet of Reșița Hospital, she saw her father among the patients who stood naked in the corridors. The woman says that the old man, who has since passed away, had gone to the hospital for a foot problem and was diagnosed with coronavirus. Until now, he did not know under what conditions his father had been treated.

The first sanctions were given at the Reșița County Hospital, after the appearance of images in which patients with COVID-19 are in misery, naked and neglected. The manager was fined 10,000 lei from the State Sanitary Inspectorate. Alina Stancovici declared yesterday, here in Digimatinal, that she cannot do anything about the conditions in which patients are treated, because the hospital has debts and does not have enough staff.

The director stated that the situation is the same in all hospitals in Romania, but also that the photos were taken before the infectious diseases department was cleaned.

After the first day of the control carried out by the Resita Sanitary Inspection, three nurses and one nurse were fined 8,400 lei.

A woman living in Belgium saw the images on the internet and was shocked to discover how her father Covid, who had died in the meantime, was being treated.

Elena Pelepcu: “When I saw the conditions in which I was there, I continued giving, I also said when my father appeared to me, who is the one sitting in the hall, if you saw the photos, that’s my father. Oh, when Lo I saw stop breathing and I couldn’t “.

The 77-year-old man went to the hospital for a foot problem. He was diagnosed with coronavirus and hospitalized, but how he was treated is only now being revealed.

Elena Pelepcu: “Then I was on the floor, I didn’t sleep all night, I’m exhausted.”

The hospital management says that these images show the impotence of the health system and that they include coronavirus patients, who also have mental problems. They are cared for by the same infectious disease medical staff who are not trained in psychiatry.

Ioan Popa, Mayor of Reșița: “All the doors of the hospital were open even though it was minus 4 degrees outside and what I found there was criticized, so there are no excuses, no excuses for the medical act and the way they work. “

Romeo Dunca, president of the Caras-Severin Provincial Council: “The situation is very serious and is not due to a single fact, he thinks that there are 20 million euros in debt and the Provincial Council has no possibility because we do not have money available for it something.”

DSP Caras Severin will do a check-up to see in what conditions patients are treated. County authorities are also considering the director’s dismissal.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina
