The senators adopted the draft through which the state of alert is established


The Senate adopted the draft on establishing the state of alert. There were 111 votes in favor, 8 against and 15 abstentions.

The senators significantly modified the project regarding the establishment of the state of alert, in the commissions. The most important changes refer to the impossibility of suspending people with managerial positions in the Ministry of Health or of institutions subordinate to the Ministry. Another amendment provides for Parliament to approve the establishment of a state of alert.

NLP parliamentarians say the original form has been destroyed, and now the bill is unconstitutional. A party representative announced that NLP parliamentarians would abstain, but the majority voted in favor of the bill.

The USR announced that it will vote against the project, because it considers that the Government is trying to use the state of alert to politicize the public administration.

The PSD voted by majority for the project, but there were exceptions, some party members stated that, despite the changes, the government’s project does not become constitutional.

The bill receives a final vote on Wednesday in the Chamber of Deputies, but the president cannot enact the law before May 15. Three days are required from the entry in the Official Gazette for its provisions to apply.

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