The Senate voted in favor of abolishing the “Gheorghe Cristea” University. What will happen to the graduates?


The Plenary of the Senate adopted on Monday a project initiated by the Government on the abolition of the Romanian University of Sciences and Arts “Gheorghe Cristea” in Bucharest.

“By passing the abolition law, the Romanian University of Sciences and Arts ‘Gheorghe Cristea’ in Bucharest no longer represents an institution of higher education, a legal entity of private law and public utility, part of the national educational system”, specified in the explanatory memorandum.

According to the initiator, students and graduates without a diploma who have been enrolled in accredited / provisionally authorized university specializations / study program, within this university, have the right to complete their studies in identical or similar accredited specializations / study programs, in the same field. of the specialization / study program, organized in accredited higher education institutions.

The project was adopted with amendments admitted by the specialized commission, according to which permanent university documents, created during the operation of the university, must be submitted to the Bucharest Municipal Service of the National Archives of Romania, within 60 days after the date of admission. in force of this law.

In addition, the administrative documents, the financial-accounting documents on a permanent basis will be submitted to the Bucharest Municipality Service of the National Archives of Romania. The Senate is the first House to be notified
