The Sector 6 City Council has more than 3,000 employees. Whole families are employed, there are clans


Ciprian Ciucu, the new mayor of Sector 6, stated in an interview for that the institution he now runs has an investment budget of only 100 million lei, in the context in which 200 million lei goes to salaries. of the elders. 3,000 employees.

“We found a mayor’s office that never raised the issue of making its funds more efficient. If we look at the budget now, we have several subordinates, the Administration of Markets, Streets, Schools, DGASPC, our investment budget is 100 million lei, it is very, very small, compared to a budget of almost one billion lei, which is the budget of Sector 6. We found a mayor’s office where the directors of the Directorate do not know what is happening to the subordinates related to those Directorates. They make investments in schools , in ADP, in DGASPC, but there was no unitary thought, an investment master plan to be supervised at the level of the Investment Department of the City Council.

Also, I didn’t see any concern about spending public money. Each subordinate Directorate has contracts on the different services it needs, without being a unitary approach, with different prices. For example, I have contracts with Street Administration, ADP, DGASPC. Here too a centralized acquisition could be made. In addition, the Local Police has 400 employees, the largest Local Police in Bucharest. I will post all these contracts. The hiring has been a great joy through the institution so far without concern for public money ”, stated Ciprian Ciucu for

He specified that he is considering the possibility of carrying out several layoffs, but also of reducing the expenses of the departments that operate under the institution he leads.

“Yes, I do not hesitate to say it. I come from Oradea, I had where to learn. And I am obliged to redirect this money to the quality of life of the people of Sector 6, so I need investments. You have to continue the thermal rehabilitation program, I have to build at least 8 schools and other kindergartens and kindergartens, I want to make a sports base, I want to fix the island of Lake Morii The city hall has about 250 employees, but I mean all the subordinates and we are going somewhere to fish 3,000 employees, I only have 400 local police officers, only at DGASPC I have 1,200 without maternal assistants, which are still 800.

What I do? I’ll show you on the flowchart what I’m doing. Now the unions are in turmoil, that’s what they do. I am that bad wolf who wants to end his life with the state. Whole families are employed, there are clans. I will not look, I will not be interested, I do the functional analysis and that’s it. We will do an analysis and see how much we reduce.

There are high salaries and not only for workers. In total about 200 million lei / year. Ciucu, totally unpopular, will come to ask, brothers, how many drivers do you have? 18. I was in Oradea and Mayor Florin Birta didn’t have a driver, he drove a car. And at DGASPC they have 18 drivers with 18 cars. So I have to be more unpopular and get money for investments. Only those who were employed by the state, in the City Council, should not benefit from this money.

We have the 19th century budget. I was surprised to see that no one could tell me what was behind a budget line. I say material expenses. Ok, but what does that mean? And behind the contracts. For example, ADP, instead of having its own capacities, rents. It has no cisterns or income. But they took 3 tanks for this money, since they rented it, ”the mayor of Sector 6 also specified.


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