The secret dream of a great actress. Memorable interview for May Day Morgenstern


In honor of this wonderful woman, in honor of this tireless seeker, but also in honor of the musician (harmonizes Yiddish chords) and actress Maia Morgenstern, we adore the lines below, chained five springs ago. The? Maya’s office, director of the Bucharest State Jewish Theater. Come on, remember!

– Florian Saiu: What attracted you and most attracted you: theater or cinema?

– Maia Morgenstern: I love theater and cinema alike.

– What are your priorities in life?

– The memory of the parents, the health of the children and this institution called the Jewish Theater.

The connection with Constantin Noica

– Your father was Constantin Noica’s teacher of mathematical logic …

“That’s what my father’s friends told me.” He revealed a bit to me, but I know that each time he was asked, he shared Mr. Noica’s knowledge and wisdom. When not asked, he would sit on his bench and do translations for a living.

“What did my mother mean to Maia?”

– A milestone that I mean. It was my mother who put the bread on the table. My father was fired, after he left the war, from the field, entered the Faculty of Mathematics, graduated, became a university professor, then, for his beliefs, because he said where he was wrong: attention! – In the 1950s, the unknown signal in the equation was kicked out of the university. He lost his mind! After the fascist camp, after the Stalinist camp, he became a student, graduated brilliantly, and was detained at the university. Eh, then, because he drew attention to the errors, without being anti-communist. No! – He was not a member of the party, but he was not anti-communist. Out in the second two! So my mother was the one who supported the family. She was one of the first computer scientists in the country, from the moment a computer was as big as this camera.

The fears in us

“And yet you didn’t go in the direction of the exact sciences.”

“It probably never crossed my mind to do math.” However, my parents encouraged me, were by my side and respected my choices.

– Let’s talk about the great encounters with the film, with Mel Gibson!

– It was very interesting, intense! I also had controversies, but also appreciations. I received the award from the European Film Academy. It happened a long time ago, it is true, but with the same love I speak of “Las pasiones de Cristo” and “Miss Cristina”, a film made after a great novel of our literature, written by Mircea Eliade. Here, the fantastic, the social, the fears within us and the inherited fears are very well captured.

Camp registration

– What else are you reading?

– Amos Oz, Daniel Barenboin, Madeea Axinciuc. Usually they start several books. It couldn’t even be without reading. Here is a book dear to me, by Rózsa Ágnes.

Maia Morgenstern, in a nutshell

• He was born in Bucharest on May 1, 1962.
• He has a talented actor, Tudor Aaron (35 years old) and two girls: Eva Lea Cabiria (20 years old) and Ana Isadora (16 years old).
• He grew up without television, instead of listening to radio theater
• In 1980 he failed the IATC exam and got a job at the Jewish Theater.
• In 1981 he entered the Theater, graduated in 1985, after which he played for three years at Piatra Neamț
• Morgenstern – surname – means, in German, “Morning Star”
• In 2012 he enrolled in the Faculty of Letters of the Department of Hebrew Studies.
• During the filming of “The Passion of the Christ”, she was pregnant
• He practices yoga, being encouraged, from the age of 5, even by his father, also a practitioner.
• He is the director of the Jewish State Theater.
• The secret childhood dream: to be a dancer

Spirit’s favorite word

“They can take away our dignity only to the extent that we are willing to give it up.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Roles in the theater:
he debuted on the stage of the Jewish Theater, in a play in Yiddish, in the role of Puck, in “Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
Lola Blau – “Tonight, Lola Blau”, by Georg Kreisler
Kathleene – “Park the car at Harvard”, by Israel Horovitz
Ioana – “These sad angels”, by Dumitru Radu Popescu
Lucietta – “Plaza”, by Carlo Goldoni
Electra – “Electra” by Sophocles
Stepdaughter – “Six characters looking for an author”


“The secret of Bachus”, 1984
“Balance”, 1992
“The most beloved of earthlings”, 1993
“The man of the day”, 1997
“Procust Bed”, 2001
“The passions of Christ”, 2004
Orient Express, 2004

UNITER – for the best female role – “Medea” from “Ancient Trilogy”
Les stars de demain – for the role in “Libra”
UNITER – for the role of “Lola Blau”
